Author Topic: Anyone think more addons should be open?  (Read 4920 times)

This is an excellent idea, unfortunately bots aren't that smart knowing where to go unless you implement premade pathfinding maps for each map you have. I did have this idea but it would take forever for torkscript to calculate which way is the best (remember having to link everything, so if I did this manually it would take much longer)

Maybe if I created a pathfinding dll or use an external DLL like lua/java this actually will speed up the process much faster.

I actually did this in Slayer - when you started a minigame, it generated a navigation mesh of everywhere that bots could go. Unfortunately, it took 10-20 minutes to generate on large builds, so I scrapped it.

I currently have a prototype of a much faster, more efficient system, but it's buggy still. Once the navigation mesh works, it will be tied into the team-filling bots that Slayer already has.

I am sure if you used Lua/Javascript dll your process would be much faster!

In my mining server, half of it was javascript, surprisingly. If java was not detected it would use standard torkscript. Mainly used for math. Major difference when I was doing different calculations for both languages.

Since this is a mod that already has thousands of users, I want it to work without extra installation steps. The new algorithm is pretty good. Just need to fix the random bugs.

I think the gamemode function is a very good way to get ideas and servers created without much setup required. Unfortunately, gamemodes get used but not put onto an add-on site. Gamemodes should be published because:
  • It creates the foundation for more gamemodes and a larger gamemode coding community
  • It gets more players into the game (and getting more to enjoy it) by allowing hand-crafted and pre-packaged experiences to be loaded easily
Instead, the current Blockland climate is filled with good gamemodes getting hosted once or twice and then disappearing to be seen next year, or sometimes never again.
Anyone else feel this way? I couldn't really think of how to phrase this well, but I just had a thought that needed to get out.
Oh yeah I think this is what got GD to 1000 pages.
What I've noticed is, some users typically make something, host it for a short while. Then they either grow bored or they don't like how it turned out then usually scrap it. I've done the same a few times but I'm currently still working on something I haven't hosted in a bit to give it a more "improvement" then previous so that new players can have it easier and hopefully the game is more straight forward. I personally believe we need more game modes cause I mostly see people hosting the same stuff over and over from Murder Mystery to a typical Deathrun or City RPG's, ESPECIALLY Jailbreak. There really isn't anything new which is a shame, I'm always up for trying to make something new to share hopefully for others to host, I just need ideas so I can start.

Why use an external dll when you can do it by TorqueScript?

Unless you want fast speed execution or use an already existing third party library..

Why use an external dll when you can do it by TorqueScript?

Unless you want fast speed execution or use an already existing third party library..
Maybe if you learn how to read the recent posts you would know why.

Torkscript is pretty slow, using an external dll for faster executions is a lot better if you can handle doing that part. There is a lot of evidence showing how slow torkscript is comparing to using an external dll, depending on what you are doing, you for sure can use torkscript, but anything super complicated should use something more powerful.

Torkscript goes through a lot of executions inside of its engine just to do a certain task, it's a pain. You can still use the same stuff in torkscript, but as said, it'll be much slower depending on what you're doing.

There's nothing wrong with using Torkscript, it's just slow for stuff like pathfinding (although you can use bitwise math to make it much faster) - but doing something on a larger scale would highly recommend using something else since it's already there (Lua/Javascript)

Since this is a mod that already has thousands of users, I want it to work without extra installation steps. The new algorithm is pretty good. Just need to fix the random bugs.
I didn't mean to force anyone to use a DLL, sorry if it sounded like that. My mining used 2 methods for math, Torkscript, or Javascript. So if the person never had the DLL, the gamemode would run normal as it would, just a little slower.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2017, 03:34:59 PM by Kyuande »

I am sure if you used Lua/Javascript dll your process would be much faster!

In my mining server, half of it was javascript, surprisingly. If java was not detected it would use standard torkscript. Mainly used for math. Major difference when I was doing different calculations for both languages.

I'm sure a JS/Lua version could be made later! Unfortunately I need to support the TS-only people (myself being one, since I've never messed with Blockland DLLs) before I add a speedier version.

Since this is a mod that already has thousands of users, I want it to work without extra installation steps. The new algorithm is pretty good. Just need to fix the random bugs.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2017, 02:10:20 AM by Platypi »