Author Topic: So is gamergate about media ethics or feminism?  (Read 460 times)

Just seems like gamergate was originally about media ethics and then a few gamer feminists like Anita sarkeesian were paid by some media companies to distract and mask the real issue.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2018, 01:06:31 PM by King Tøny »

I don't think gamergate had anything to do with medics at all

medic ethics of course

I don't think gamergate had anything to do with medics at all

I'm pretty sure you knew it was a typo unless you want to admit you can't think for yourself and literally believed I meant "medic" instead of "media"

there's really no telling with you, lord tony

there's really no telling with you, lord tony

So you're admitting you can't think for yourself?

You can't make a logical decision over what is or isn't a 1 letter typo?

I feel like how gamergate feels. Just a distraction over the real issue because of a little typo.

man this is a blast to the past. anyone remember occupy wallstreet?