Author Topic: Does anyone Remember the player glare event download?  (Read 930 times)

I was building a map and then i noticed, I forgot about the event add-on that activates something when you look at a brick with that event. Ex : when you look at a brick with this on the brick to set it to red and look at it, it will turn red.

i think the event might have been onplayerglare, onplayerstare, Eventongaze, or onplayerlook I cant remember anymore
« Last Edit: February 03, 2018, 02:30:37 PM by guythomas27 »

You're looking for

Xalos posted a version of that at some point, though the link I found is dead.
It looks like in 2016 someone was having trouble with a conflict w/Events_Server and Server_Gaze.

You could try PMing Xalos for it.

You're looking for

Xalos posted a version of that at some point, though the link I found is dead.
It looks like in 2016 someone was having trouble with a conflict w/Events_Server and Server_Gaze.

You could try PMing Xalos for it.


I thought this tanked fps...