Author Topic: crazy person at church last sunday  (Read 1214 times)

so, according to people who saw it, apparently some crazy person entered the church, entered the back of the church (where altar boyes get ready), and was doing yoga..? shortly after that, there were police cars parked along the street, like, multiple parked back-to-back, it was weird, the person requested confession afterwards, in the most "hillbilly" way possible.

mass started late

what an interesting day.

so, according to people who saw it, apparently some crazy person entered the church, entered the back of the church (where altar boyes get ready), and was doing yoga..? shortly after that, there were police cars parked along the street, like, multiple parked back-to-back, it was weird, the person requested confession afterwards, in the most "hillbilly" way possible.

mass started late

what an interesting day.

probably a rapist or something

entered the back of the church (where altar boyes get ready),

I'd like to enter the back of your church while you get my two altar boys ready. Lord forgive me for I have sinned all over the sheets and floor. I think I got a little sin on the wall too. Anyone got some holy water and a towel?
« Last Edit: March 08, 2018, 12:07:08 AM by PhantOS »

>not cutting out the bird part
Not my gif, bruh, didn't feel like editing and uploading it

Not my gif, bruh, didn't feel like editing and uploading it

theres gifs of it without the bird part