Author Topic: [NEWS] FAR CRY 5 TRIGGERS sjwS  (Read 1352 times)

okay so let me explain this in more detail

nobody in the game is actually tribal but game journos want the bad guys to be more tribal because they want to shoot da ebil right-wingers and they can't comprehend why one of the quest-givers openly hates "Obama-lovin' libtards" and isn't also a tribal

does that clear things up

can you explain it again

conservatives are terrible so far cry 5 is a bad game *takes estrogen* *begins writing about anti-white blog*

okay so let me explain this in more detail

nobody in the game is actually tribal but game journos want the bad guys to be more tribal because they want to shoot da ebil right-wingers and they can't comprehend why one of the quest-givers openly hates "Obama-lovin' libtards" and isn't also a tribal

does that clear things up

This is correct.

The soundbite that Lord Tony is talking about occurs at roughly 4:00 in this video, after several minutes of super-blase, generic game 'journalism'.

I won't pretend like the guy in the video isn't an idiot, but there is literally no way that 90,000 people sat through over half of this terrible review to listen to the one thirty-second soundbite that has them all pissed off. It's an unremarkable video that was passed around and brigaded because it has one dude in it who says something that's only sort of dumb and sheltered.

okay but what about the three other articles levying the same grievances
There are great individual moments in Far Cry 5. The gunplay is excellent, its unpredictable world generates daring stories of accidental heroism, and when it leans into the whole red-blooded American patriotism schtick, it’s genuinely funny.
To me, this doesn't sound like SJW stuff. It sounds like the reviewer just doesn't like the fact that the satire isn't as clear-cut as they wanted. That position doesn't come off politicized to me, IMO.

One of the other articles you linked takes the same sorta position as well, that they wanted more direct satire rather than an apolitical take on America.

I haven't played Far Cry 5 yet, so I don't know whether any of these criticisms carry weight, but that's a way different position to take than "hurr make the game hate Annoying Orange more"

Ubisoft seems to have been watching EA fall apart at the seams and decided "what if we made actually fun games again?"
AC: Origins was pretty good when it abandoned the historical accuracy thing, and far cry 5 went back to far cry 3's formula and improved on it drastically. It's story is interesting, weird and the setting is pretty good.