Author Topic: [New DTS exporter] model materials loving up on export  (Read 1619 times)

I have a model with various textures. the textures are appropriately named and assigned. here is a picture

the green and dark green parts are the transparent materials that will inherit node colors ingame, while the light and dark gray parts are opaque materials that i want to be unchanged regardless of the nodes colors and stuff.

The materials have no special modifiers. they arent shadeless or transparent or anything. for some reason when i export it to blockland, the dark gray materials end up shadeless (they shouldn't be, shadeless is unchecked) and the light gray ends up inheriting node colors even though it clearly shouldn't (the texture file is completely opaque, it has no alpha whatsoever)

in my folder with the .dts, i have these textures

blank (a 100% transparent texture that is completely invisible)
black50 (a 50% transparent texture that is half invisible)
lightGray (opaque)
darkGray (also opaque)
black (idc about this)

is there something wrong with the exporter? does this sometimes happen? why is it happening?

ok i fixed the shadeless issue strangely by changing the texture file slightly to a reddish hue of gray. i have no clue why that helped. new issue:

model without shaders:

model with minimum shaders:

for some reason the strength of the shader changes which materials are visible. im mortally confused

ok i figured out an odd solution. setting your node colors to R G B 0.99 will apparently fix this problem, i guess because opaque textures arent colorshifted if they're transparent by the node. really odd but uh it works

The reason is because "off" shaders and "minimum" shaders aren't just different levels of shaders. They're completely different systems of shaders. I personally think "off" should be removed. There's not enough cases where people who have performance issues and also run faster on "off" than they do "minimum".

Because at least then we could all be looking at the same graphics.

Back then it was good practice to keep your non-colourable materials in separate objects from colourable materials. If you had meshes with colourable and non-colourable materials within the same object the game treated the whole object to be colourable

The reason is because "off" shaders and "minimum" shaders aren't just different levels of shaders. They're completely different systems of shaders. I personally think "off" should be removed. There's not enough cases where people who have performance issues and also run faster on "off" than they do "minimum".

Because at least then we could all be looking at the same graphics.
i usually run off because minimum drops my fps down to like 10-15

Back then it was good practice to keep your non-colourable materials in separate objects from colourable materials. If you had meshes with colourable and non-colourable materials within the same object the game treated the whole object to be colourable
this would be pretty hard to organize for a playertype like the one im working on. there's already 18 separate nodes and that's not counting the customizable nodes i plan on adding later. i estimate there will be around 42 total nodes once i finish the playertype and if i separate the colorable from non-colorable that'll come out to 84 nodes that i'll have to manage in blender. at that point it'll be pretty difficult to work on it
« Last Edit: April 15, 2018, 02:37:17 PM by thegoodperry »

With skinned meshes you could easily reduce the node count, but you'd need to use the ancient exporter for that.

im on a mac so the old exporter isn't an option.

The old exporter supports Macs, too. But anyway, it's all up to you how you want to tackle this problem.

it does? i remember going through with conan trying to get it to work on my computer for hours, and it wouldn't work. i dont remember why. i think the only 2.49 downloads are windows only or dont support the new mac OS