Author Topic: Would you miss school just to yell about guns  (Read 3558 times)

now what you'll probably say is 'the post i made in this thread is within reason!' but implying that school doesn't contain crucial knowledge is -

Lol, never mind

i sure hope these kids are actually reasonably and genuinely fighting for a better change
You should watch The Daily Show's interview with like 6 of the Parkland kids. They're really reasonable kids with different perspectives on how to fix the issue.

So the Parkland school now has mandatory clear backpacks, students are saying things like "i can't express myself with my backpack now, now all these students' 1st amendment rights are being violated because of one individual"
like do they not see the irony in that?

Anyways, to answer the OP question, no I wouldn't, because it wouldn't accomplish.

There are legitimate issues with the background check system that I've heard brought up, but I've never heard a gun control advocate bring them up, all the arguments I hear are "ban this thing i've heard of but don't know what it means"

"i can't express myself with my backpack now, now all these students' 1st amendment rights are being violated because of one individual"
self-expression or not, anyone who thinks that a clear backpack will prevent a massacre is top-tier handicapped. or at least whatever tier is directly below the people in Pennsylvania that stocked classrooms with buckets of self-defense rocks

tbh i've skipped school for dumber reasons

no the people who do are handicapped

what if you stuck a normal backpack in a clear backpack :thinking:

what if you stuck a normal backpack in a clear backpack :thinking:

the people in Pennsylvania that stocked classrooms with buckets of self-defense rocks
excuse me

what if you stuck a normal backpack in a clear backpack :thinking:
What if clear backpacks become the new normal backpack?

yeah i would miss school to yell about how EPIC guns are and all the pusillanimous individual liptards are missing out on the power of some american-made gun powder encased in brass

what if you stuck a normal backpack in a clear backpack :thinking:

So the Parkland school now has mandatory clear backpacks, students are saying things like "i can't express myself with my backpack now, now all these students' 1st amendment rights are being violated because of one individual"
like do they not see the irony in that?

they don't

they're a bunch of handicapped children who are young, don't know what they're talking about and don't care that efforts, even if they're not really that effective, are being made to help protect them
they only care about banning guns because they have absolutely no incentive to investigate the topic given that the left has already swooped them up as martyrs and the second coming of whitney houston (gonzales) and michael jackson (hogg)

funnily enough hogg wasn't even at the school when the shooting happened but everyone calls him a survivor
that means that I'm also a survivor of the shooting even though I'm in a completely different state