Author Topic: [NEWS] PSA TO ALL GYAZO/LIGHTSHOT/PUUSH USERS  (Read 10515 times)

want another amazing tip? do this: (on the menu that appears when creating a shape region)

with this enabled, you can adjust the box after making it, and even add more boxes if you want. or text, or various other things.
this does however then require you to press enter to actually capture the snip, though. but i dont find that an issue

with this enabled, you can adjust the box after making it, and even add more boxes if you want. or text, or various other things.
fuuUUUUUUUCK thank you

ok so is it just me, or sharex's gif limit is literal garbage? sometimes even 5/6 seconds hit the so called "limit"

update: literally can't even handle a 2/1 second gif.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2018, 10:26:28 AM by badguy098 »

ok so is it just me, or sharex's gif limit is literal garbage? sometimes even 5/6 seconds hit the so called "limit"

update: literally can't even handle a 2/1 second gif.
The only limit is that placed by the site you're uploading the gif to. Try setting a different destination for your gif.

ok so is it just me, or sharex's gif limit is literal garbage? sometimes even 5/6 seconds hit the so called "limit"

update: literally can't even handle a 2/1 second gif.

that's the imgur limit