Author Topic: jet set radio live - the top pirate radio station in tokyo-to  (Read 1109 times)

i've posted this before a couple years ago, but it's gotten pretty amazing over the years

- lots of stations for all different kinds of genres, all based on the different gangs in the games, also including stations for the
  games and shuffling all of them
- song requests, shoutouts, messages, images, etc.
- customization for the website w/ color, animated wallpapers, etc.
- chatroom with people, sometimes
- the wall, where you can post images, flyers, posters, etc. of all kinds (because of this, be warned, can be NSFW)
- jet set radio live TV, with various videos to skip through, sometimes being random junk, or cutscenes from the games

it's pretty nice and good if you need a constant cycle of music to listen to while you're doing work or something. anyone else like this as much as i do?

i listened to this when i was a diamond elo lucio in season 2/3e

i liked this better when it didnt have electro swing

aw yea i forgot about this thanks, love using it

This is my favorite radio 10/10

This is my favorite radio 10/10

do you know a second language, friend?

Jet Set Radio is what got me into hip hop. I have to admit, the soundtrack has quite a few bangers.

Jet Set Radio is what got me into hip hop. I have to admit, the soundtrack has quite a few bangers.
all of em are bangers