So let me get this straight—Zach makes poor content.Some people bash him for it, some users are polite and try to constructively criticize and offer tips for improvement, case A: Pompmaker.Despite some users being helpful, the users report that Zach still repaid them rudely.Some users try to bait Zach with mixed success.Despite being unprovoked, Zach goes after Pompmaker and flames him seemingly unprovoked, violating a forum rule in the process.So by this alone we can conclude that Zach is unstable, ungrateful, and has obsessions with certain users that he cannot control except to let feelings of hostility overtake him.Real forgetin nice.So op and anyone defending Zach—did any of you think this through or are you just starting stuff to be controversial for it's own sake? Zach at the least shouldn't be here judging by his emotional state—he needs to take a break from the forums, and at most to leave the forum completely. He has proven he does not have the self-control to post here responsibly.This not a place for him and he was rightly banned for a bannable offense that was posted and pinned on this forum for years. Negligence is no excuse. Autism is no excuse. And others baiting him is no basis for a ban. Lord Tony has gotten away with so much because he baits others. He only gets banned when he does something bannable.
Honestly officerzach isn't a bad dude.but he can get annoying sometimes