Author Topic: devote christian rp  (Read 1486 times)


*No..... I have not lost my Faith....*

even a pastor needs a Pastor sometimes.... ;)

You know what this means? It means the politicians have been silenced. It means the population has been erased. It means the world has been cleansed by God's righteous fire. But most of all... means I was right.

The Collapse has begun. The world as we know over. I waited so long. I waited so long for the prophecy God whispered in my ear to be fulfilled...I prepared my family for this moment. And you took them from me.

I should kill you for what you've done. But you're all I have left now. You're my family. And when the world begins anew, we will step into the light. I am your Father, and you are my child. And together, we will march to Eden's Gate.
Far Cry 5
Far Cry 5 - 1 Flamer VS 100 Sinners!

Awesome sauce

my favorite Christian EDM album

my favorite Christian EDM album
didnt the russian kid who shot up his school listen to this kind of music

didnt the russian kid who shot up his school listen to this kind of music

who cares

Yo, epic. I love it when sinners get forgetin' cooked.

who cares

Yo, epic. I love it when sinners get forgetin' cooked.
In this Far Cry 5 Arcade Battle 1 Cult Flamer will cleanse 100 Sinners with fire!
If you enjoyed this video, be sure to subscribe and watch my other NPC battle videos!

Good verse
"There has no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that you are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that you may be able to bear it."
-Corinthians 10:13

Good verse
"Delicious. Finally, some good loving food."
-Ramsay 88:19



« Last Edit: June 17, 2018, 09:28:14 PM by Kumquat »

john 3:16
"if your going to smoke it, make sure its loud"

didnt the russian kid who shot up his school listen to this kind of music