Author Topic: Another goodbye.  (Read 4036 times)

im guessing you were one of those people that genuinely thought the world was going to end in 2012

im guessing you were one of those people that genuinely thought the world was going to end in 2012
he probably wasn't alive :o)

After careful consideration (for once) I realized how absurd it was to post this. I regret posting this actually (I'm not sorry for the apologies, I really am sorry to those I've made mad.) but I got scared over something and I thought it'd be the end of everything. My mind clearly was not working right at that moment, I regret posting the goodbyes (once again not the apologies.) and I read through the messages and one stuck in particular.

"this is the most melodramatic stuff I've ever seen
I mean yeah net neutrality repeal sucks and it's bad for both the market, consumers, and open journalism, but why does it have any bearing on leaving the forums"

I've decided not to post anymore goodbyes as to save any face I do not have and to not simply seem like a idiot that I am.