Author Topic: tomorrow the european parlement is going to vote against article 13  (Read 843 times)

you probably heard of the previous vote in which the no vote had a close victory
the last vote is in 2019
« Last Edit: September 12, 2018, 07:40:37 AM by hootaloo »

the party i voted for last year actually supports this now plus increasing student tax/scrapping student benefits. their party was known for and advertised as party for the students.
im going to vote GroenLinks (GreenLeft) next. they got really close last election and have been getting a huge boost as of late. I bet with the stuff D66 (the party I voted for) pulled GroenLinks wont have too much trouble next election

cmon blockland now is your chance to express that you dont need a clickbait “memes will die tomorrow” titles

oi, do you have a license for dis thrad?

hey europeans! don't forget it up!
If you set a precedent like this other countries will try to follow in your drunken footsteps.

cmon blockland now is your chance to express that you dont need a clickbait “memes will die tomorrow” titles
works wonders for youtubers so you may as well go with the flow

the party i voted for last year actually supports this now plus increasing student tax/scrapping student benefits. their party was known for and advertised as party for the students.
im going to vote GroenLinks (GreenLeft) next. they got really close last election and have been getting a huge boost as of late. I bet with the stuff D66 (the party I voted for) pulled GroenLinks wont have too much trouble next election

I need the story behind this party

I need the story behind this party
they used all their assets to make donorship opt-out instead of opt-in basically

hey europeans! don't forget it up!
If you set a precedent like this other countries will try to follow in your drunken footsteps.

America's been trying to pass the same type of thing here since 2011.

America's been trying to pass the same type of thing here since 2011.
all the more reason for europe to not forget it up and give us a reason to also forget it up.

At least if it passes Americans wont have to deal with 56% memes as much anymore.