Author Topic: So does anyone here know how to prevent people from getting stuck in doors?  (Read 951 times)

I'm not sure if this goes in help but it's not really a help issue. I just want to know people's methods of preventing door stuckage.

I tried Jess's onplayerstuck event. It doesn't work correctly. Sometimes it thinks you're stuck even when you're not because of the door's bounding box. Sometimes it doesn't even work at all.

I tried explosions

I tried velocity

I tried teleports.

Nothing seems to work.

I want to disable player Self Delete but I don't want to keep fetching people out of doors 24/7

Then the issue gets even worse when you want to get a horse vehicle unstuck.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2018, 02:09:02 PM by King Tøny »

Sit down and open it.

Wow why didn't I think of that.

Except for the fact doors can only be opened by the owner of the house and I have doors operated by a switch too.

If there was a solution to it everyone should be using it by then.

The best they can do is ask admins for help. If you don't want to do that 24/7 get some admins to do that for you.

There really needs to be an easier way to handle people getting stuck instead of fetching. Onplaystuck just doesn't work for doors.

0 onactivate > self > door > open
4000 onactivate > self > door > close
1000 onplayertouch > self > door > close
0 onplayertouch self > cancelevents

That won't work. The events are executed in order, and you've canceled all delayed events at the end.  So the door won't auto close after someone has touched it.
Use this order instead:

0 onactivate > self > door > open
4000 onactivate > self > door > close
0 onplayertouch self > cancelevents
1000 onplayertouch > self > door > close

Velocity events work pretty well with this.

The problem is because of the zone of the door it uses velocity events even if you aren't physically stuck.

That won't work. The events are executed in order, and you've canceled all delayed events at the end.  So the door won't auto close after someone has touched it.
Use this order instead:

0 onactivate > self > door > open
4000 onactivate > self > door > close
0 onplayertouch self > cancelevents
1000 onplayertouch > self > door > close
im sleep sue me