Author Topic: block kidd on discord  (Read 11819 times)

Kidd plays blockland so it's dramaworthy
Again not what I asked. Also what is and isn't drama-worthy really isn't up to us if it's not even ingame drama.

Again not what I asked. Also what is and isn't drama-worthy really isn't up to us if it's not even ingame drama.
then why did you bring it up

Zeet#6702 why do u look like the kid from polar express

then why did you bring it up
Because it has no correlation to Blockland other than the people involved being people who have played Blockland before. Do I need to spell it out for you?

Because it has no correlation to Blockland other than the people involved being people who have played Blockland before. Do I need to spell it out for you?
damn here I was thinking it wasn’t up to us deciding what’s drama-worthy

Sicko Mode or Mo Bamba??

Zeet#6702 stop changing your name

He once put snake mutilation on sugars discord server, rip her sanity and mine

I'm a bit late to say this but kiddo used to post a few pics of bestiality research/hentai in the Blockland Glass Discord Server
I've got one screenshot of it but i'm not posting that stuff here