

privatized control
10 (27%)
government control
7 (18.9%)
mixture of both
20 (54.1%)

Total Members Voted: 37

Author Topic: do you support the privatization of space?  (Read 4784 times)

You really think that issue wont get worse? What, are we just gonna stop launching new satellites?
im not saying its not gonna get worse but im saying to make every single vessel put in jeopardy by manmade debris no matter where you are that would take an astronomical amount of time to happen

But, thats already happened.

Okay, not "no matter where", but it's pretty close. There's an entire division in NASA to chart debris to ensure anything put into orbit isn't at risk.
Look up a space debris map. It's pretty nuts how much there is and how fast it's all moving.

Yeah not a fan of China conglomerating asteroids and claiming them, thus preventing passage.

Yeah not a fan of China conglomerating asteroids and claiming them, thus preventing passage.
thats what peer pressure is for

im not saying its not gonna get worse but im saying to make every single vessel put in jeopardy by manmade debris no matter where you are that would take an astronomical amount of time to happen

its not that far fetched, once you reach a certain point, constant collisions with non-broken objects will continue to chip off more and more debris which will add up

you forget that nothing stays in orbit forever

you forget that nothing stays in orbit forever
you’re right, we should just ignore the moon in all future space missions because of its irrelevancy

you’re right, we should just ignore the moon in all future space missions because of its irrelevancy

Hoping this isn't sarcasm, I don't want to get r/woooosh ed.

The moon is a good stopping point, and it's definitely a thing we need for now. If we ignore it, we would need a forgetton more fuel, a forgetton more rockets to carry that fuel, a forgetton more fuel for the rockets to push off the ground, and over and over again. We're looking at trillions of dollars here. The cost of space travel is high already, ignoring the moon means that there will be no space travel. No man is that rich.

It was a joke. Drydess was pointing out that the moon is an object that has been in orbit for billions of years-- whereas Squib was saying not all debris lasts forever.

Space should be a public sector, kinda like international waters out at sea, not one single person owns it

why do you keep bumping old dramas
probably doesnt know any better