Author Topic: The Free Market is Non-existent with middle-men services that legally kidnap IPs  (Read 3961 times)

this guy sounds like a communist to me. sic 'em boys

is it completely out of the question that matthew is trolling or is he actually a pretend handicap beyond pretending

is it completely out of the question that matthew is trolling or is he actually a pretend handicap beyond pretending

he isn't trolling, he's just a small and incredibly afraid man

matthew's gonna freak when someone gets up the guts to tell him that that is how the free market works

You could make a (futile) argument that exclusive games are anti-consumer in nature but, eh, really?

It'd be like arguing different brands of toilet paper having exclusive.. no that's terrible

It'd be like arguing that different brands of potato chips having exclusive flavors is anti free market. Bitch how?

Idk man this is dumb

You could make a (futile) argument that exclusive games are anti-consumer in nature but, eh, really?

It'd be like arguing different brands of toilet paper having exclusive.. no that's terrible

It'd be like arguing that different brands of potato chips having exclusive flavors is anti free market. Bitch how?

Idk man this is dumb
Because they're not competing with quality of flavor, or quality of potato, or advertising, they're "competing" with exclusive flavors. If for 5 years Doritos made nacho cheese flavor chips, but then suddenly only Lays had the license to sell nacho cheese flavor chips, they're nearly identical to the Doritos one, the only difference is lays made them, quality is different, but there is no alternative. How do you protest that, not but it? No alternatives means you gotta go ahead and abstane completely from it, and Everytime I say that as an option most people flip out and say "why should I give it up if no one else will anyway?", And it's a fair point?

If there is no alternative, there's no way to protest without taking a major sacrifice. If you've been following Kingdom Hearts you're not going to just skip a game because "it's exclusive to a stuffty platform, and I'm going to protest it by not buying it.".

These options arent improving, they're stagnating. They're stagnating because they're not competing. Why would they need to improve, they've got several fanbases by the balls.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2018, 05:15:31 PM by Master Matthew² »

Because they're not competing with quality of flavor, or quality of potato, or advertising

Except they are. People didn't buy Xbox One as much because their flavors and potato qualities sucked hot liquefied monkey rooster. PS4 did better because their exclusives were far superior and appealed much better to consumers. You seem to confuse the concept of a free market with... something. I genuinely don't know what, because none of this has any negative effect on a free market. It's consumer choice at work.

"monopoly this, monopoly that" You dont want a monopoly? Remove the loving government, dumbass.

is it completely out of the question that matthew is trolling or is he actually a pretend handicap beyond pretending
hes too invested to be a troll

Except they are. People didn't buy Xbox One as much because their flavors and potato qualities sucked hot liquefied monkey rooster. PS4 did better because their exclusives were far superior and appealed much better to consumers. You seem to confuse the concept of a free market with... something. I genuinely don't know what, because none of this has any negative effect on a free market. It's consumer choice at work.
Why should ps4 succeed because of the accomplishments of other products? These games should suceed because their good, not the PS4. The ps4 didn't earn this, the PS4 held these titles hostage, making it so the only way to play these games was through the ps4. It doesn't matter if the system is the stufftiest console around, if the games succeed and the only way to play them is through the one console, the console will suceed.

This cheats the consumer, and this cheats the market. They're not competing with features or quality of life design, but with how many exclusive intellectual properties they can buy up, ultimately causing them to hold a monopoly. No new players can enter the running because they don't already have millions of dollars in assets, they're ruined the instant they try.

This is anti-freemarket, anti-consumer, and anti-competitive.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2018, 08:34:02 AM by Master Matthew² »