Hello and welcome to the first and as of now the only...
national socialists in the youtube comment drinking game
What the forget is this ?
Its a drinking game.
How do i play it ?
Go to a youtube video, related to Riddler or national socialist germany and scroll down to the comments.
Each time you find a comment:
-Talking about how the third reich/Riddler was great
-Talking about how communists/muslims/feminists/jews ruined western society/europe
-Talking about how the reich/europe will rise
Or even in some REALLY extreme cases
-Denying/downplaying/glorifying the holocaust
Take a shot
You must post the link to the video you watched and the number of shots you took while scrolling through the comment section. E.g.
Fatherland. What if Riddler had wonShots taken: 20 before giving up
Things that DO NOT COUNT:
-Wehraboos commenting about the greatness of the wehrmacht
-Joke comments/videos
-SJW's (I don't care that they are lefty national socialists, theese are not the things we are searching for in this thread)
Ok now that we have cleared up all the rules and things that do and do not count, GO.