Author Topic: What's the Worst Part About Going to the Dentist/Orthodontist To You?  (Read 1544 times)

being told how many cavities you have and feeling the embarrassment

i have experience with those things, and trust me they will make you gag
THIS - it's not the taste that's bad, when it's pressed on the roof of your mouth it just feels so weird

back when i had one of those plastic retainers and they'd do impressions

oh man i forgot about these it was such a weird feeling lol, it felt like forever
the waiting room because it always lasts longer than the appointment itself, same for doctor checkups and what not.
it was the best part for me as a kid when they had gamecubes and i spy books there at least :o

the cost. thats it

i haven't been to a dentist in a few years as a result