Author Topic: Help with math  (Read 1752 times)

I'm really bad at algebra, and maths in general, so I can't figure out how this works
What is the equation in Gamemode_UnlimitedMining that calculates how much the next pick level will cost?

It's function Dig_PickCost in Mining.cs

If your rank is above 0 then it's
cost = rounded down(pick level + 1)1.3 x rank
If not it's
cost = rounded down(pick level + 1)1.3 + 50

So if you want to go from level 1 to 2 and you have no rank then it'd be.
1(current pick level) + 1 = 2
21.3 = 2.46228882
Rounded down = 2
2 + 50 = 52
You need to pay $52 to go from level 1 to 2.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2019, 04:42:46 PM by jes00 »