Author Topic: Customized finished/unfinished add-on dump.  (Read 2501 times)

These are a bunch of add-ons I edited to suit my needs better. I forget the original owners of most of these so if you know who you are let me know.

Mostly what I did was just edit some scripts of existing scripts and added or removed some things.

Some of these are finished and some of them are unfinished.

I've included some youtube links for some of these add-ons that showcase how they work

These were all intended to be private mods since I did not originally make them, all I did was edited the scripts to better suit my needs. But considering where blockland is going I figured why not.


Originally made by gravity cat.

My version add in Conan's ammo script, changed some weapon values and added sounds.

Some of these are finished, some are not. For example the ammo for the rocket launcher needs a better model.


I forgot who made the original skeleton bot.

My version has added sounds and the skeleton breaks apart on death which is pretty cool.

Black Skeleton

Same thing but black and stronger.

Big Knight

I forgot the original owner's name.

My version adds sounds to the bots and tweaks some stats.


Originally made by GSF ghost.

I took the gem script from GSF ghost's rpgxtended mod.

My version includes new gem models made by rocky doctor. I also added sound effects and I included a list of events that work with these. I also made it compatible with TotalRPG

Also I don't know if totalRPGextended is required, but I do know that the events require RPGextended.


I forgot the original owner's name.

All I did was turn the torch into an item carried by the left hand  allowing you to dual wield with most items

The torch is no longer bound by the light key anymore.


I forgot the original owner's name.

My version adds sounds and adjusts damage values. Oh and I included a bot hole because the original didn't have a bot hole.

Exploding War Pigs

I forgot the original owner's name.

So basically in my version all I did was add sounds to pigs and then included a modified version of the boom belt (I also don't know the owner's name) and the pigs now detonate when they get within proximity.

RPG potions

I forgot the original creator's name.

All I did was made the potions stackable and added multiple types of potions


Original creator Pecon. Jess helped with some icons.

I did include new coin support which also goes great with the gem mod. I made a whole new health bar and I made various other changes and fixed a few bugs the original script had.

It's far from finished but I doubt I'd finish it anytime soon


Original creator GSFghost

I basically took his big ass RPGlovetended mod and cut out the bullstuff and left only a few tools and bricks.

I also modified his tools and scripts.

I also changed various chests he included and turned them into BLB chests so they work with door open/close events.

This mod is also unfinished.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2019, 10:34:21 PM by King Tøny »


Original creator Jess.

I did include new coin support which also goes great with the gem mod. I made a whole new health bar and I made various other changes and fixed a few bugs the original script had.

It's far from finished but I doubt I'd finish it anytime soon
Pecon made it. I think I just made the health and money icons work for you.

Big Knight
(by kobble)

(by Swollow)

(by Pillow Pants/Hydralisk)
just some info i know

then kobble also made the boar

that  medieval rpg actually looks awesome wow, i like that lego safe brick you used for selling crystals and that crystal brick you used for mining them

question, why do the rpg potions each have their own pickup package instead of just having a generic "if %item.datablock.stackable = 1" package

then kobble also made the boar
ya he did, forgot to add that lol