Author Topic: youtube caught censoring american political content  (Read 1887 times)

everyone knows youtube is one of the biggest proprietors in censorship., but you cant do anything because its their site and they can do whatever they want. let them delete every conservative account for all i care. someone just make a youtube alternative and stop complaining about something you cant control. for all ours sakes.

bitchute exists

Also I'm doing some experimenting of my own here

my links are broken hold up

V interesting how in the tweets Aide referenced, they only tested the Lauren Chen one, which seems to be fixed

They then apply the assumptions that 1. Crowder lied, instead of the more obvious (Youtube fixed it) and 2. all the links are fake

Some bullstuff tbh but I don't blame the average person for being too deep in confirmation bias to do their own research

It is a fact that Youtube's search algorithm deranks p much everyone, not just conservatives
i literally tested all of the links and they all did what crowder said, they all sort by videos, which is at best misleading, or a lie by omission. either way, crowder is drumming up how censorship would hugely affect him or other conservatives on youtube when literally no one sorts by videos by default.

as for
It's been happening for years but when right-wingers bitch about it, suddenly it's not real? forget off
i literally did not say this lol

i'm sayin it could or could not and this kind of cherrypicking of search results here and there are vastly misleading and you would need to have some kind of search result aggregator all over the globe comparing and reverse-engineering the youtube algorithm to actually say what they are doing. and since the youtube algorithm NOTICABLY changes every single day this is literally impossible to figure out

and to respond to your claim that they might have updated it: they didn't at the time I posted because I could directly reproduce crowders screenshots with the link he posted (WHICH SORTS BY VIDEO), but if you searched normally (not with his link) you would still get all of the videos from the channels he was saying where censored. No one sorts by video, it's not the default anywhere, and i can still reproduce it which means youtube didn't change stuff.

yes, it is possible that NORMAL search results were changed immediately after he posted something about it(which would be so loving unlikely considering it takes youtube forever to respond to anything and I saw the tweets about 2 hours after he posted them) I would need evidence for this though, the screenshots he posted where not evidence of it because he used the same filter as he linked to.

he was being intentionally misleading, there's no other way around it, any sane person will read those tweets and think he was referring to normal video search.

I did what crowder said and I got almost no results on change my mind except for other channels that aren't run by crowder.

Are you in america or no? He specifically says this affects americans

i literally tested all of the links and they all did what crowder said, they all sort by videos, which is at best misleading, or a lie by omission. either way, crowder is drumming up how censorship would hugely affect him or other conservatives on youtube when literally no one sorts by videos by default.

Sorting by videos doesn't change it, as i just showed you in the screenshots
as for i literally did not say this lol

I wasn't talking to you directly, I'm speaking in general when people deny conservative censorship

i just tried and im getting pwjs channel

either they fixed it or im too close to the canadian border

ill try with a vpn tomorrow

ok to put this to rest this is how it looks like right now:

I conducted tests through a VPN to texas on an old computer that has never been logged into, these are pure youtube search results without being logged in. (Also in incognito mode, I closed and reopened the window to clear the cookies every time so that wouldn't forget with it)

Here's an album that documents what I saw:

It seems they are no longer censoring if you directly search channel names if this even was the case before. I did the same thing (albeit a bit less rigorously, and the VPN was in Tampa) two hours after Steven published the tweets and I got mostly the same results, but I hadn't tried "Prison planet" or other related words to the channels so I can't comment on that. I had only done the channel names. This is still in line with what I said, and Crowder sorting by Video was misleading, even in the US, because the channels were not censored 2hrs after the tweet. (I now regret not taking screenshots because that would've been helpful tbh) They where however censored if you sorted by video, this is why I called Steven a liar.

From what I gather, you can still pretty easily find the channels, they just don't appear as easily with other words relating to them. I even included a screenshot of the "prison planet" search from Canada with vastly different results.

If you want me to test with some more keywords, post them here and I'll do it. Post your own screenshots also, I'd like to see yours for other searches.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2019, 08:14:34 PM by Aide33 »

Clearly there's SOME kind of forgetery going on because your results, without logging in, are different than mine, while logged in, for stuff like this:

Everything else checked out as you said

Idk man I think it's p obvious Youtube forgets w/ searches but to what end is something to contend with

Conservatives say it's bc of conservative thought

Lefties say its bc youtube hates gays

The truth is much more simple

YT wants to make money, politics is contrervsial, and being gay is controversial in 70% of the world

Clearly there's SOME kind of forgetery going on because your results, without logging in, are different than mine, while logged in, for stuff like this:
i think i got the exact same search from this as by this image:

regardless, I think the best criticism you can have of youtube is that they do stuff purely for profit and that skews what kind of content they allow you to watch

what I would like to know next is: on what scale this effects the American electorate, like do that many people watch youtube? or is it just a drop in the bucket compared to other forms of news aggregation?

regardless, I think the best criticism you can have of youtube is that they do stuff purely for profit and that skews what kind of content they allow you to watch
this really is it. they have no incentive to publicly support either side of things (business wise its best if they arent treated as an enemy by either side, in case they control the government), and if they had some real systematic bias, that would come out over time and make them lose their current neutrality.

you may claim that its "fake" neutrality or whatever, but they seem to have no qualms feeding content of either side to people who want it. they just want more viewers, and probably statistically its more likely a new user of youtube prefers/gets hooked by neutral/left leaning content rather than neutral only or neutral/right leaning content. there IS a concentration of liberals in cities, and since cities tend to have far more people >> the most likely place a new user comes from >> prefer liberal content over conservative.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2019, 12:40:23 AM by Conan »

v interesting how you tried to justify both fake neutrality and the feeding of left leaning content to new viewers in the same post

in reality a fresh account isn't going to get recommended jack stuff except for corporate shlock and highly inoffensive videos like, watching marble races or some stuff

Late night shows & MSNBC and CNN, and MAYBE even Fox, bc that's what Youtube is pushing rn, everything else gets deranked bc their content is offensive to someone, somewhere

YouTube has basically become yet another corporation so damn afraid to offend anyone. The real problem with globalization of everything is that companies will pander to the lowest common denominator.

If in even one country is illegal to be gay, boom get demonitized gays. Conflicting beliefs, issues or government systems, boom both demonitized.

And to be clear being demonitized doesn't just remove your ad revenue, it will cause YouTube to stop recommending your content and stop showing your content in search results.

I believe this is what is happening, channels are being tested with a new system, probably inline with the blacklist released recently. But more likely, this is to retain status quo with the legacy media.

Irony is, despite their best efforts in doing this, they create a Streisand effect, and more people hear about the new media. While in comparison, despite being promoted, despite being recommended, despite being on trending, the legacy media can't keep up.

YouTube needs to Step Up or Step Aside, this is going to be catastrophic for YouTube, it's not helping them, it's going to hurt them in the long run. If they do ultimately end up removing their self determined "undesirable content", then YouTube will just be left with bland boring videos.

I'd love bitchute to take off, or some alternate site but so long as the following is in place, it won't:

1. First page filled with literal national socialist propaganda, like actual white supremacist and "the Jews did it" videos.

2. No one making other content because the first problem drove them away.

It's an awful cycle, the reality is Everytime one of these sites pop up, either it has rules and no one wants to join because they're afraid of another YouTube, or it's damn near lawless and it becomes a bitchute.