Author Topic: This amanda guyger story is getting crazy.  (Read 941 times)

amanda guyger is a police officer that accidentally went into the wrong apartment thinking it was hers.

So she shot the person living in the apartment thinking he was breaking into her apartment.

The man who testifies against her was later killed a few days after trial.

But his testimony lead to a 10 year conviction for her.

But anyways apparently the people that shot the witness dead were attempting to buy drugs from him. So now amanda guyger might get a reduced sentence since their dead witness is no longer credible.

But according to the article

"the three men traveled from Alexandria, Louisiana, to purchase drugs from Brown, 28, in the parking lot of a Dallas apartment complex."

So basically the police expect me to believe 3 men drove 5 loving hours from Louisiana to Dallas to buy weed. Ending up killing the man because the drug deal "went bad" and left without even getting the loving weed they drove 5 hours for?

Also if the guy was dealing drugs why would he deal drugs during the time he had to testify against a police officer?

Also he was about to testify on another wrongful related death case.

Makes no sense for him to deal drugs in between 2 different trials.

Main stream media is now telling people to "stop speculating"

Lol now I know something is going on if the media is telling me to stop thinking.

Main stream media is now telling people to "stop speculating"
handicaps will defend this.

Welcome to the Hypocrite Media

Everything suspicious is a conspiracy theory, but RussiaGate and Ukraine Gate are totally real. Pay no attention to the Hong Kong civil conflict or common sense.

handicaps will defend this.

Welcome to the Hypocrite Media

Everything suspicious is a conspiracy theory, but RussiaGate and Ukraine Gate are totally real. Pay no attention to the Hong Kong civil conflict or common sense.
sidenote: i hate how people write suffix -gate at the end of controversies, it's super dumb tbh

handicaps will defend this.

Welcome to the Hypocrite Media

Everything suspicious is a conspiracy theory, but RussiaGate and Ukraine Gate are totally real. Pay no attention to the Hong Kong civil conflict or common sense.
Main stream media is now telling people to "stop speculating"

Lol now I know something is going on if the media is telling me to stop thinking.
you loving handicaps, the media didn't make this statement, the loving mayor did. watch the video for once you loud-mouthed friends.

Yeah stuffs gay. You would think everyone would get behind lynching this bitch.

Okay thats my contribution for the week.

handicaps will defend this.

Welcome to the Hypocrite Media

Everything suspicious is a conspiracy theory, but RussiaGate and Ukraine Gate are totally real. Pay no attention to the Hong Kong civil conflict or common sense.

Oh there you are mathew, I was looking for you.

Is it just me or are the animations in the remastered Spyro trilogy worse than the animations int he PS1 original? The originals were a lot more expressive, the new ones seem almost rushed, like the animators had to hall ass. Also the new sounds effects around as sharp or satisfying as the originals, but that might just be nostalgia.

Is it just me or are the animations in the remastered Spyro trilogy worse than the animations int he PS1 original?
The animations probably had to be more expressive in the PS1 version due to the simpler graphics and textures

Working with today's technology and standards, it's likely that they dialed it back to be more "realistic" or "believable", at least in terms of what is essentially a cartoon, since there's a lot more room for detail with today's hardware, like, the cutscenes actually feel like i'm watching a saturday morning cartoon, which i actually prefer over the original game's cutscenes

The animations probably had to be more expressive in the PS1 version due to the simpler graphics and textures

They utilized squash and stretch appropriately and their animations (like walk cycles) were far more lively. Some animations are downright gnarly, like the sun seeds in the cloud spires when they run out of flame.

Working with today's technology and standards, it's likely that they dialed it back to be more "realistic" or "believable", at least in terms of what is essentially a cartoon, since there's a lot more room for detail with today's hardware, like, the cutscenes actually feel like i'm watching a saturday morning cartoon, which i actually prefer over the original game's cutscenes

Why would you make your animations more dialed down when your artstyles has been dialed up? That literally makes no sense. Disney cartoons are far more expressive imo. From what I've seen of the game so far it looks like the 12 principles were left on the cutting room floor for the most part.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2019, 10:53:01 PM by beachbum111111 »