Author Topic: [news] youtube removing people just for participating in a chat  (Read 2388 times)

I think this may have been intentional. In order to distract everyone from their TOS change, which will be catastrophic in the long term.

I think this may have been intentional. In order to distract everyone from their TOS change, which will be catastrophic in the long term.

"catastrophic" lmao lolno. People are far too lazy to EVER switch from YouTube

Althouuuuugh if YouTube goes down this route and yeets everyone who doesn't make videos for profit then people will migrate to any platform where they can just upload.

denying appeals is bizarre
seems like youtube works a lot better as a video upload site than a discussion site
alright for streaming but the chat needs a rework and sometimes the stream doesn't show up for a while

youtube bot mistaked emote spam for bots, clearly we live in a society and it's time for another crusade amirite gamers?

Althouuuuugh if YouTube goes down this route and yeets everyone who doesn't make videos for profit then people will migrate to any platform where they can just upload.

Jesus loving christ.

youtube use to be a site where you could upload videos of random stuff.

Now it has come to this.

Althouuuuugh if YouTube goes down this route and yeets everyone who doesn't make videos for profit then people will migrate to any platform where they can just upload.

this is a really weird clause, it seems like it could justify yeeting someone off for doing stuff that could make youtube lose money (which is understandable) but also it could encompass a lot of other things in its vagueness

TOS changes should be a back-and-forth dialog to clear stuff up between the community and the platform, unfortunately, youtube will never do that because their sole motive is profit

It'll most likely be used to delete channels that are constantly demonetized

No, this line was not ever necessary. They could have done this before too.

I think this line was added in to seed the idea that YouTube will become like modern TV. So that when they start slowly rolling out the rules, people with justify it and ignore it.

Shame for YouTube, it seems they made one vital oversight that will end up costing them this long game. It may only be one mistake, but it is the worst mistake they could make...

Normies don't read the TOS.

Oh yeah also this:
Althouuuuugh if YouTube goes down this route and yeets everyone who doesn't make videos for profit then people will migrate to any platform where they can just upload.

So basically. YouTube is unsustainable without stuff tons of money, since they centralize all their videos. So, if I may.


if you don't like the content there, make some better content to push it out. BITCHUTE is meritocratic.

this alongside all these streaming services making it harder to watch shows is gonna start making piracy cool again

any on got the email where you must put kids or no kids on your videoes

any on got the email where you must put kids or no kids on your videoes
Yes, this is the new thing they're doing starting in January once they implement and enforce the rules and regulations stated by the COPPA

You can mark your entire channel as kid friendly or adult only, or go through ALL of your videos and manually decide which videos are kid or adult orientated

But Youtube can still take action if they (or their super reliable AIs) think you're wrong about any of your videos
If you don’t set your content or if we detect error or abuse, we may set your audience for you. If you fail to set your content accurately you may face compliance issues with the FTC or other authorities, and we may take action on your YouTube

TV™ 2: Super Progressive Politically Correct Edition

real talk why haven't the content creators unionized? most content creators do streams and that's where a lot of them get their money from now. group together and de-list your videos en masse to for a month or two and absolutely annihilate youtube's ad revenue overnight. teach them who controls them. what are they gonna do? ban and deactive the same creators who make their handicapped website popular?

real talk why haven't the content creators unionized? most content creators do streams and that's where a lot of them get their money from now. group together and de-list your videos en masse to for a month or two and absolutely annihilate youtube's ad revenue overnight. teach them who controls them. what are they gonna do? ban and deactive the same creators who make their handicapped website popular?
because class consciousness is at an all-time low and youtube would literally just replace them with A list celebs