Author Topic: hooray a glass live drama post.  (Read 4031 times)

if that’s really the point you’re trying to push here, it’s threads like these that keep the forum alive. checkmate.
doesn’t seem like this guy was remotely in the interest of stopping. if you want to hit someone for a 1 day ban just so that they’re going to persist in being a dunce at the end of it, be my guest—but if you have any gall whatsoever, a verbal warning should be the thing preceding a permanent ban, obviously subject to appeal
getting this technical with things defeats the purpose anyways. this stuff should come naturally, if it doesn’t you shouldn’t be getting yourself involved
given that a lot of the players historically have been kids, they may not understand the consequences of their actions. you aren't responsible for teaching it to them via non-perma bans, but if you're tolerant like me and want to press people to reform, multiple temporary and progressively longer bans tend to have a bigger impact than a permaban on understanding what you did wrong, from my experience.

given that a lot of the players historically have been kids, they may not understand the consequences of their actions. you aren't responsible for teaching it to them via non-perma bans, but if you're tolerant like me and want to press people to reform, multiple temporary and progressively longer bans tend to have a bigger impact than a permaban on understanding what you did wrong, from my experience.
that's why I said it's subject to appeal

imagine permabanning a new player because they used all 1x5s for the walls of a house
there is an obvious and clear difference between people who don't yet know the proper way to behave versus people being intentionally antagonistic. OP openly admitted to intentionally spamming people's messages. his goal was to make the platform less fun for the other people on it. nobody wants that stuff in their communities. and then he tried to evade the ban and yall are acting like he's just an innocent little baby
Slaps on the wrist usually make people stop.
I moderate a community of over 4000 members (not that that is at all necessary to understand the effectiveness of certain styles of moderation) and I can tell you with absolutely certainty that this is not true. how many accounts have you had before this one? half of the accounts on this page are alts
Getting banned once made OP stop
it clearly did not, he made an alt lmao

permanent bans can be undone if the user has a convincing argument for why their behavior has changed or that they didn't realize they were doing something wrong. someone coming back after a one-day ban and doing the exact same thing again can not

okay, I meant half of the accounts on the last page, I forgot about how the post would end up on the next one lmao

perma bans are usually the go to for me as well

literally every single time i gave somebody a temp ban they came back and did some more stupid stuff or tried to dance around the rules just to be a nuisance like no you're not welcome back here.

majority of the time when people are being blatant cunts in a server, excluding back and forth banter and other nuances, they're doing it for a reaction. they dont care if they're going to be banned or not or if they want to have a good time later, etc. someone like that is not worth having on a (my) server. ESPECIALLY when you can tell that they're like 16+ years old behaving like a 5 year old

when we say we only give out perma bans that isnt ENTIRELY the case (except for a select few users that i know of but they dont really play anymore)

as an admin, I still investigate and still try and figure out context with the defendant and other servergoers.. but 9 times out of 10 they don't care about reparations and want a reaction. So I give them the simplest reaction of all. Bant. Periodt.