
Favorite dairy product?

Yoghurt (cigarettes only)
Ice Cream
Sour Cream
Whipped Cream
my cream
Cottage Cheese

Author Topic: Dairy Megathread  (Read 966 times)

megathread for discussing all things dairy or white like dairy

im not a big fan of milk but i do like cheese

im not a big fan of milk but i do like cheese
whats your favorite kind of cheese? i really like colby jack, it has a smoky taste, but not too smoky. it's great.

i like swiss and that green and white cheese you put on crackers

People who like skim milk are inferior to anyone else

which one of you fat greasy cuntbags hovered their godforsaken cursor over "my cream"

milk drinkers smell like butter, real brothers get their calcium from greens and nuts

Anyone who hates milk literally hates everything on this list.

milk drinkers smell like butter, real brothers get their calcium from greens and nuts
if you love nuts so much, head down to thailand and fetch yourself a prostitute.