Author Topic: Mr.Annoying's W.I.P Add-ons!  (Read 2416 times)

This is an incomplete gallery of Add-ons that I currently have semi-completed in alphabetical order:

Bicycle (Item/Vehicle)
Synopsis: A portable bicycle that the user can mount, and carry along side them when not riding.
Status: Item works, although the steering is very imperfect, riding is too bouncy, and painting doesn't work. The bicycle uses the skis as a template, and it is currently isn't any better than them - the bicycle should eventually work like how balls do - where players can only access them when unarmed. No Icon yet.

Blunderbuss/Musket (Weapon)
Synopsis: An antique rifle that shoots large ball-type projectiles, between cool-downs.
Status: Posted.

Bollinger (Vehicle)
Synopsis: A two-seating SUT based on a real car.
Status: Needs lots of work, long story short. Rigged and ready to be polished.

Camel (Vehicle/Playertype)
Synopsis: A camel that the player can ride atop for quicker transportation, with sprinting.
Status: Sprinting isn't coded yet, and animations don't work (for some reason, I couldn't figure out why.)

Idiot Box (Hatmod)
Synopsis: A television that sits around your head.
Status: Some sort of critical error related to my DTS exporter has rendered it unable to be loaded into Blockland; it crashes the game everytime

Pterodactyl (Vehicle/Playertype)
Synopsis: A flying reptile that the player can fly when mounted.
Status: Flying is rudementary so far, the pterodactyl can only continually jump upwards with little horizontal control in air.

Stungun/Taser/Taser Gun (Weapon)
Synopsis: A less-lethal weapon that allows the user to temporarily freeze their target.
Status: Icon, sound effects and particles are mostly done, although the stunning script hasn't been implemented yet.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2020, 04:45:46 AM by Mr.Annoying »

meesa likey, especially the camel and pterodactyl

Thanks, I took inspiration off of Lego stuff.