Author Topic: hey how come and when i play and then i hate mionectraft LOL LO LI L LO L O  (Read 1521 times)


I've been with a few women in my life and one thing I've noticed is that the female star fish is incredibly close to the vagina, in fact they're barely an inch apart.

I'm not sure about other guys - but doesn't this disturb you? It feel like a design flaw in women actually -- like they're supposed to be so feminine and beautiful yet this ghastly little oversight is ruining everything.

Somehow it feels to me that women should be more aware of this flaw and it should affect their confidence. Whenever I see a so-called beautiful woman walking down the street so care-free thinking she's all that I just remember her star fish is only 1 inch away from her pusillanimous individual and laugh her into oblivion.

Women: Please accept that they're too close together, let it negatively affect your confidence and so make yourselves more readily available loveually as a result. Afterall, we're having to sleep with a creature whos star fish is only 1 inch away from the vagina --- you should not make this difficult. It's unappetizing enough as it is. We're doing you a favour.

Men: Do not let women forget this flaw, and do not forgive them for it. Remind them of it constantly less they get inflated egos and think they're all that

They're just too close together, sorry, but its true.

so theres these two boys one younger than the other and the older one asks what’s nine plus ten but instead of saying eleven the younger one says twenty one which is when the older one replies with you stupid

so his friend doesn't have a lot of ice cream left but his friend asks if he can have some even though there is not a lot of ice cream left but the man is the guys friend so he lets him have ice cream under one condition, he can only have a spoonful. this leads to the other guy taking out a comically large spoon, breaking his friend's expectations and trust foundation as by a "spoonful" he means a regular sized spoon, defined as a small shallow scoop as he intended, not a comically large spoon. it breaks his trust foundation because the comically large spoon is too large for what is considered as a spoonful and is probably larger than the remaining ice cream left in the container. he can have all the ice cream to himself