Author Topic: i am outside your house.  (Read 1136 times)

you have exactly 30 seconds before i break the window nearest to you and attempt to murder you with a sharp horse carrot and a glock. what do you do?

Karate chop glock outta hand Shoot horse dildlo away Give you a noogie

I get out my blunt horse fleshlight and we annihilate as opposite pairs, creating 90000 terajoules of energy, which results in a blast that demolishes everything within a 6km radius

i live in a dorm idiot

If I beat you in a fight can I keep the horse carrot?

I rip your leg off and you start screaming and then I start hitting you with the wet part of your leg like BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM and then I start smashing your head against the wall and it's like BSH BSH BSH BSH and then I grab a glass bottle, break it, and then stab you in the EYE with it and trust me you won't ever see again and then I take what's left of the bottle and slit your throat and my hands are all covered in blood and you're gurgling and then I start laughing like HAAAAAAAAAAAAHAAHAHAHAHAA! forget YOU! and then I go into my house and take a nice bubble bath.

wire u tryna cop my carrot

you have exactly 30 seconds before i break the window nearest to you and attempt to murder you with a sharp horse carrot and a glock. what do you do?
in about 30 seconds i'm gonna fire a warning shot

you have exactly 30 seconds before i break the window nearest to you and attempt to murder you with a sharp horse carrot and a glock. what do you do?
you fall into the lava moat surrounding my floating mansion and as you burst into flames the septic system dumps week old stuff onto you and the lava both dousing you but also cooling the lava into obsidian, trapping you in place. you eventually starve to death and i never notice that you were even there.

before i land in the lava i place a waterbucket below me, simultaneously turning a large diamond shaped patch of lava into obsidian. i reach in my pocket and grab a pile of dirt cubes and nerdpole my way to your window to which i knock and as you peer thru with confusion i go aw man and blow up like a creeper

before i land in the lava i place a waterbucket below me, simultaneously turning a large diamond shaped patch of lava into obsidian. i reach in my pocket and grab a pile of dirt cubes and nerdpole my way to your window to which i knock and as you peer thru with confusion i go aw man and blow up like a creeper
nope didnt happen

grapple you and shove the horse carrot into your throat until you suffocate