Author Topic: Public Service Announcement: on freezing weather.  (Read 1813 times)

run your water lines with pex and put heat tape on them, you wont have to worry about them freezing up. if by some chance it does get cold enough to where the heat tape does no good, at least you don't have to worry about them busting.

people here in the south suck at driving on the ice. i swear it's the people in the biggest, most compensate-y trucks who drive the worst on it. either they go 5mph on perfectly clear roads, or they drive so fast that they end up in a ditch. or, somehow, they manage to get their truck stuck in the middle of a residential road and need several cops to come help them get un-stuck (this happened back at my home and my dad saw it on his way home from work)

run your water lines with pex and put heat tape on them, you wont have to worry about them freezing up. if by some chance it does get cold enough to where the heat tape does no good, at least you don't have to worry about them busting.
build fire like grognar and ancestors from before

I figured it out guys, I just had to set my house on fire it's all thawed out now.