Author Topic: thoughts on 2012?  (Read 1326 times)

hey fellas, as we begin the new year I was thinking about what my life was like 10 years ago, being somewhat isolated and homeschooled I spent the majority of my time on the internet, playing Blockland, reading the forums, enjoying the absurdity of it all. so being an angsty/moody 14 year old at the time, Blockland was a big part of my life and the year 2012 was the first time I can recall being genuinely depressed after browsing the forums.

probably just me going through the motions but this place meant a lot to me during that time. so if you look at the first couple archived posts in the 2012 chronology we've got; Iban's house getting burned down and his cat's death, the announcement of shadows and shaders AKA no more maps, and HPRC's Self Delete.  although the Iban situation and maps being removed were very unfortunate, the death of HPRC hit me hard, I never knew him on a personal level, could only recall seeing him in-game a handful of times, the only time I can remember interacting with him we argued about Ron Paul VS John McCain.

but reading that topic about him taking his own life really saddened me. I'm not sure if it's because I hadn't given mortality much thought prior to reading that thread or what but it shocked me that someone that I knew of in this small niche community, was now dead.

shortly after this I took a decent hiatus, but ten years later, the internet aliases and personalities associated with them in the Blockland community still stick around in my thoughts.

anyone else feel the same about this period of time? probably just me reflecting while typing my sporadic ramblings.

uhh.. happy 2022!

hey fellas, as we begin the new year I was thinking about what my life was like 10 years ago, being somewhat isolated and homeschooled I spent the majority of my time on the internet, playing Blockland
that was me in 2012 too

i remember being disappointed and confused about not seeing the map option anymore either. But I definitely wasn't depressed, thankfully. With so many friends who still played, there was still so much to do. Not to mention what a different world that was compared to today. Can't believe that was 10 years ago now.

I can't believe 2012 was ten years ago.

can we go back to 2012 politics when people werent so crazy :(

can we go back to 2012 politics when people werent so crazy :(
year of the "would you abort Riddler as a baby"

that was me in 2012 too

i remember being disappointed and confused about not seeing the map option anymore either. But I definitely wasn't depressed, thankfully. With so many friends who still played, there was still so much to do. Not to mention what a different world that was compared to today. Can't believe that was 10 years ago now.
true. maps being removed wasn't all that bad, it just felt like a big part of what made this game so unique was gone. it definitely contributed to the sad mood I associate with that time period.

can we go back to 2012 politics when people werent so crazy :(
we can only hope :/

2012 was probably when my depression was at it's absolute worst. Neither classmates, teachers, nor my dad liked me, and no friends either. It got especially bad late in the year when I got punished hard for talking back to a teacher, losing access to my computer for a few months. I had to browse the internet on an Xbox 360. Also I was so lonely I became a loving brony and a homestuck fan in a desperate attempt for friends online but we don't talk about that part of my life lmfao

from what i can remember it was a pretty alright year (i was like 9 lol). 2012 is a weird state in terms of my blockland history where i was aware of the game and had played the demo but i didnt own the game or know anything about the forums. im pretty sure at the time i was largely into roblox as well as club penguin and a couple-to-few other games as well. i also remember stuff that happened like gangnam style getting popular and the whole mayan calendar end of the world stuff. i somehow missed out on the entirety of kony 2012 and only found out about the whole thing a year or two ago.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2022, 02:16:27 PM by Mr Queeba »

I remember playing Contamination on roblox a lot. If i could go back to it I would. Come to think of it I'd go back to any time before like 5 months ago

I remember playing Contamination on roblox a lot. If i could go back to it I would. Come to think of it I'd go back to any time before like 5 months ago
what changed 5 months ago? feel like most people would be happy to go back like 3 years

what changed 5 months ago? feel like most people would be happy to go back like 3 years
i went to college and Hurricane Ida happened, I went 2 weeks without clean water or power.

I don't remember any of it because my brain has problems but I bet it was really cool

I miss being a ski guerrilla on Heedicalking's slopes TDM