Author Topic: Should Blockland go open source?  (Read 2608 times)


to be specific, not the entire untouched source code but something cleaned out and fixed up so the community can create forks or derivative works, without disrupting the current state of the game.

think it could be kinda cool, /discuss it

probably not. I've said this in some other thread recently but blockland isn't really novel at this point in time. it would probably be less work to create a copycat game in a modern engine than it would be to change anything fundamental about blockland

probably not. I've said this in some other thread recently but blockland isn't really novel at this point in time. it would probably be less work to create a copycat game in a modern engine than it would be to change anything fundamental about blockland
many older games that have went open source have benefited because it allows the community to contribute to make the game better than it originally was. stuff like adding features the original devs had planned but never got around to, or just fixing bugs in general

If this was going to happen it would've had to have happened when there was still a large enough community to make all the content. Almost no one plays this game and hardly anyone is making stuff for it anymore.

STALKER went open source a while back and it was the best thing that happened to that modding community. The only difference is that Blockland is a multiplayer game which introduces its own security issues, and like 1 in 3 blocklanders is a malicious psycho so there’s fewer “reputable sources” for compiled engine mods than there is with STALKER. But we’ve seen it before; going open source would be a huge win for BL and would draw in a significant amount of new players and life, but at no benefit to Badspot, so it won’t happen.

If this was going to happen it would've had to have happened when there was still a large enough community to make all the content.
I agree.
Blockland SHOULD go open source, but I doubt it will.

it should but i think thered be legal issues with open sourcing the engine too

it should but i think thered be legal issues with open sourcing the engine too
Garage Games shut down recently, so i don't think they'll care about some older version of their original Torque Game Engine being made open source by some random guy who once made an obscure block building game with it

« Last Edit: August 17, 2022, 06:42:00 PM by Biqus » Maybe some day
This is speculated to be fake, like, someone just wanted to steal the name and fool people