Author Topic: does anyone remember what happened to that one avatar?  (Read 5748 times)

i think Freek wore it before. It's a gif of this boy with sunglasses that looks all serious and hes kinda jumpin around from side to side. Idk if Freek or his cowboys are still alive but let me know if you guys know what im talking about or not

Sounds vaguely familiar but that's it.

I want to find the avatar where Captain Haddock is constantly wiggling his eyebrow. I saw it like 6 years ago.

still alive!! i've used probably 500 different avatars here in the last 15 years so i'm really not sure which you're talking about or if it was even me. the closest thing i can recall to that was this:

which i used for most of 2012 but it's probably not it. hope you end up finding what you're looking for!

it's not the avatar of two kids dancing to crazy frog was it

Speaking of avatars I still wonder about that one I bring up every now and then that was maybe like someone doing the "yes we can" pose but there was some ladybug coloration in there to, of course as time goes on even I forget what it looked like, I could have sworn it was Tails's ava but I've asked them and they don't remember it, *shrug* oh well at least I can find several of mine still would be cool to have a complete list of all the ones I've used.

forgot i posted this thread lol
still alive!! i've used probably 500 different avatars here in the last 15 years so i'm really not sure which you're talking about or if it was even me. the closest thing i can recall to that was this:

which i used for most of 2012 but it's probably not it. hope you end up finding what you're looking for!
this one is super nostalgic i remember u wore this at Zapkraft forums. Though the one im looking for was during one of those threads where randomly everyone decides to wear the same avatar and each post is like "hey guys, how you doing ... 'good, and you!' ... etc."

kinda looks like the one c posted but hes like all serious with the sunglasses and hes strafing

found the thread idk how but Akio got everyone to use that avatar it was funny to me

if that doesnt make sense, then here's what it was supposed to look like (with a different avatar)
« Last Edit: October 20, 2022, 08:42:07 PM by SBG »

i remember people who've had the same memorable avatars since ive been here like for ex bisjac, facechild, and some other ancient forgotten users that havent been here in many years like khode and cpt masters or whatever his name was

i remember people who've had the same memorable avatars since ive been here
u are one of them (from my pov anyway)