Author Topic: Work vent thread, coworkers IQ?  (Read 2334 times)

Im loosing faith in humanity I swear

Not understanding simple math, physics, critical thinking, using a tape measure, zero intuition (seemingly)

I'm being mean yes but I tried to warn a guy today unhooking a trailer ON A HILL in front of a lake and boathouse, told him it might need blocks, he doesn't think so, ok fine I tried I don't have the authority to do more than that, he unhooks it and it immediately begins rolling down towards the lake and boathouse 😂

Then he says "get the blocks!"

yep and this is a very common occurrence that people don't listen to me and it goes like this, I'm usually good about not saying "I told you so" because usually people end up going "well guess you were right sorry" and like sure everyone messes up, what I can't stand is people who can't or won't recognize when they're wrong.

if people wont listen to your advice when you give it, they shouldnt expect you to save them when they forget up. simple as.

if its someone you have to work with regularly then id just remind them about this incident every time they dispute your advice. maybe even refuse to help them do anything if they try to push responsibility for the forget up on you. otherwise id forget about it and just avoid working with them altogether

yeah, as someone who has worked various different jobs I can tell you I've met a fair share of not too bright people. just one example is when a guy and I were putting in a drywall drop ceiling and I reminded him multiple times to make sure to cut out the ceiling vent hole BEFORE hanging the ceiling up. welp long story short this dumbass forgot to do this very basic thing, and then had the audacity to ask me "Well, why didn't you remind me?" like motherforgeter I DID REMIND YOU, AT LEAST TWICE, IF NOT MORE! and since I'm only 5,7 and 140 pounds I'M the one who had to end up going into the attic crawlspace, finding the vent hole and stabbing markers down through so the idiot down below knew where to cut the circle out of the ceiling at.

I get where you are coming from. Sometimes you just have to work with these kinds of people, and no matter what you try to tell them they always think they know best, or when they forget up they try to shift the blame on you! And yeah, as bad as you want to say "I told you so" that almost always results in just more problems or making the person feel worse about their mistake than they already do, so it's better to bite your tongue and focus on the job at hand rather than rubbing it in or starting a feud. respect+ your holding it together brotha

I'm getting sent to the Ohio train accident

I'm getting sent to the Ohio train accident
for what purpose?

Building science machines to do science to make sure workers aren't getting cancer (I'll probably get cancer)

I work for NASA and youd be surprised how many loving idiots they hire, like me

Worst guy I deal with at work is our shipping associate, Josh. Dude has a temper, and is a felon in public record lol. There have been multiple instances of him being reported to HR for causing an altercation with coworkers. One time he got into a physical fight with an Amazon driver, not sure how he hasn't been fired.

One day over winter he submitted a work ticket for a leaking pipe above his work station (I work in Facilities Management, well technically EH&S, but also help with FM when I can). One of our rooftop units pipes run over his workstation and viewing our building automation control the humidity was high, so the leak was just condensate from the pipes sweating. I turned down the humidity and told Josh it was just the pipes sweating and it'll stop in an hour or so as the humidity drops, and he tried to talk back to me like I didn't know what I was talking about. "I don't know bro, that's an awful lot of water" in an antagonizing tone. It irked the forget out of me lol. I just told him to trust me and walked away.

He can't go a week without causing some sort of stir, uber loving annoying.