Author Topic: Israel's War Against the Middle East  (Read 6541 times)

the death toll is now estimated to be 168000 or higher, corresponding to ~8% of the population

in 10 years everyone's going to lie to you and say they opposed this from the start, or they will treat it like an innocent mistake like they did the iraq war

edit: correction, 168000 is a forward looking estimate of how many would be expected to die even if a ceasefire was achieved today, due to disease, starvation, lack of access to medical care, etc, based on the number of reported deaths (which is obviously a huge undercount, because there is no longer an entity in gaza capable of keeping track of the death toll)
« Last Edit: July 08, 2024, 09:32:06 PM by ultimamax »

It has been a while since I've posted, as the situation in Gaza has become extremely overwhelming. Despite supposedly being in peace talks, they have increased the number of raids and bombings significantly, making it nearly impossible to keep up with the number of concurrent tragedies between Khan Yunis and Rafah, both supposed safe zones.
Only 17% of Gaza remains official safezones but with how many attacks still are occurring in the supposedly humanitarian safe areas, this means very little. Still, to begin with, Gaza was one of the most densly populated areas on Earth:
and now to reduce that area to less than 20% of its original size is utterly inhumane.

Attacks are frequently being conducted now on UN Humanitarian Aid sites such as schools that are being used to house the displaced civillians.

On July 14th Israel bombed humanitarian safe zone Al-Mawasi in Khan Younis, killing 141, and injuring around 400.
This was supposedly to target a senior Hamas official, but afterwards the IOF admitted the attack didn't achieve its goal, killing bystanders without achieving anything.

On July 15th Israel bombed the Abu Oraiban resulting in the death of 22 and injury of over 100 people, with children among the casualties:
Even pos Anthony Blinken expressed concern over civillian deaths in this attack.

On July 17th Israel bombed the al-Razi school in Nuseirat, another UN run humanitarian site, killing 25
and on the same day launched another attack on "safe zone" Al-Mawasi, killing 17

On July 18th, Another attack on a UN-run school, this time in Zeitoun, marks the 9th school bombed in 10 days.
The school was being used to house displaced people, killing at least two and injuring 8.

On the same day, Ben-Gvir, a far right Israeli minister visits the Al-Aqsa mosque, an important religious site that has been the center of many tensions where the IDF prevented Muslims from entering for prayers.
In a move that is undoubtedly concoted to inflame reactions, he then used the site, that Muslims aren't allowed to pray at, to give his own prayers for an end to Hamas and a return of hostages. (which would already have been returned if they just agreed to the peace proposal layed out weeks ago that had already been watered down from the permanent peace that Hamas had wanted to the 6-week deal Israel had been pushing for)

On July 19th, The International Court of Justice had ruled that Israel has been illegally occupying Palestinian Lands
And the United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner confirmed that the february slaying of 6yo Hind Rajab and her family in a car by tank and machine gun had constituted a war crime.
Despite this, Israel showed no signs of slowing their aggression as 24 more are killed in the Nuseirat camp, and a couple dozen more are killed in other safe zones such as Khan Yunis.

On July 20th, Israel continued it's attacks on neighboring countries, now for the first time on Yemen, striking an oil facility in the port of Hodeidah, killing six and injuring eighty-three
There were also multiple attacks in Gaza leading to over two-dozen casualites cumulatively, one where a member of the press was killed
In Jabalia
Nuseirat and Bureij refugee camps
Among others

On July 21st, People are continuously shuffled and displaced as each supposed safe refugee zone is ordered to evacuate
And another attack on the Al-Mawasi refugee camp leads to 25 killed and 50 wounded

On July 22nd, Tanks sent into Khan Yunis, after safe zones were again shrunken, killing 70 people who were unable to evacuate in time

On July 23rd, Ahead of Netanyahu's visit to Washington DC to speak to congress, hundreds of Jewish Protesters were arrested for during their protest in support of Palestinians and an end to US arms shipments to the apartheid state of Israel.
This is while the UN is increasing monitoring of a growing Polio outbreak as Gazans are reduced to only 20% of their available land to live on, and Israel has been purposefully targeting water treatment facilities in the region

This brings us to yesterday, July 24th, when Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, spoke in front of the Congress of United States

In the speech he attempts to justify the horrors that Israel have been committing as necessary for the security of the Israeli people. He attempted to paint the conflict as part of the US's own fight against Iran, and condemned protestors who are demanding peace and an end to the slaughter of civilians as supporters of terrorists.

A speech that was laden with misinformation...

A speech that was met with a standing ovation...
Except... who was that actually applauding?
Less than half of all sitting congress members from each party were actually in attendance. The photos of a crowded congressional chamber standing and cheering the justification of genocide, are appearantly paid atendees there to fill out the crowd for publicity's sake.

If even our own representatives don't want to be associated with this continued genocide, why the forget are we pushing it so hard?

Oh I apparently never mentioned in this thread, that Netanyahu is now officially wanted as a war criminal by the ICJ, the highest court in the world,
and yet we let him speak infront of congress.

At the risk of pissing off Soukuw, I am updating this post instead of quadruple posting

Israel has now bombed the primary water reservoir for the civillians in Rafah

This is a UN-recoginized crime against humanity.

This is also occurring simultaneously with an officially declared Polio Epidemic directly caused by the destruction of water facilities and sewage treatment facilities and further exacerbated by the population of Gaza now being allowed to live in an area now 14% of it's originally already densely populated borders.

Even the Israeli people have had enough of these ongoing atrocities. Israeli protestors, upset at the mistreatment and torture of their Palestinian neighbors who have detained by the military, have stormed a military court in Beit Lid after the results of an internal investigation of the acts of soldiers at Sde Teiman prison.
Oh... so as more information became clear, I realize i was sadly mistaken on this. The protestors were actually far-right Israelis who were protesting the arrest and sentencing of nine officers at an IDF-run internment camp for Palestinians, after the officers were found guilty of loveually assaulting and torturing Palestinian prisoners.

So yeah. I do have to make corrections on these posts sometimes as I get more information. I am disturbed that I had to correct this last point to something much worse.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2024, 07:59:15 PM by Ladios »

Today's news is worthy of a whole new thread at this point. (7/31, it passed midnight as I was typing this up)

Israel has assassinated a senior Hamas member as he attended the inauguration of Iran's next president. Specifically, the senior member considered to be one of the most moderate and open to dialogue. Specifically the senior member who was the head of the ongoing negotiations. The negotiations that started back in May, that have only taken so long to begin with because despite Hamas giving up many of their desired outcomes, Israel has been dragging their feet. brown townysts are saying this will potentially completely dismantle all negotiation efforts so far, and prevent them from restarting as new leadership is found within the ranks of a now especially retaliatory Hamas. It has been said before in this thead that Netanyahu will likely lose his reelection if Israel is not currently at war when the ballots are cast, and it seems entirely his goal to ratchet up the stakes against the will of practically anyone outside of his far-right extremist nationalist allies.

This attack, as I mentioned, was while Haniyeh was attending the inaguration of Iran's newest president, Masoud Pezeshkian, a heart-surgeon turned politician, with a history of protestagainst the Iranian governemnt, who campaigned on the platform that he wanted to open up dialogue with the west, and help end hostilities between Iran and the US.
Now, with an attack on Iranian soil, killing an important diplomatic guest, Israel has challenged Iran's military and despite Masoud's intention to keep the peace, he is going to be forced to retaliate to this direct attack on their soil. townysis-iran-options-ismail-haniyeh-killing-intl/index.html

This is the exact sort of thing that the US has warned Israel not to do, and with the US pledge to come to Israel's aid in the event of a direct assault from Iran, Netanyahu has single-handedly committed American Troops to a ground war in the region.

Oh, and another thing the US told Israel not to do? Attack the Lebanese capitol of Beirut.
That article was from two days ago. We have explicitly warned them that doing so would start an all-out war in the region.

So guess what Netanyahu did?
If you guessed, bomb Beirut? You would be right
This strike has killed a top commander of Hezbollah, in retaliation for a missile hitting a football field in Israel, which Hezbollah did not take credit for.

It should be noted that the militant group which operates out of Lebanon is always quick to take credit for the successful strikes they make, and in the past they specifically target military installations, attempting to keep civilian casualties to a minimum. The neighborhood that was specifically attacked was one with communities that had the group had been reaching out to due to their ethnic connections with Lebanon and Syria before the state of Israel took over the territory.
There is much confusion over how the rocket attack acutally occured, and signs point to it having been an accident.
And there is speculation that a failure of the Iron Dome missile system had caused one of Israel's own missiles to misfire and strike the football field.

We may never know, however, because beyond the Israel's claim that the missile were of a make used by Hezbollah, by the time news crews arrived, all of the debris from the missile itself had been taken away, and no image has been released that would confirm the origin of the missile.

But whatever the origin of the missile that killed the 12 civilians, Israel has acted against the US's warnings and struck a busy neighborhood in the capitol city of Lebanon in retaliation, killing a leader of Hezbollah and five civilians (two children and three woman)

And, in what seems to be the final death knell of any attempt at peace, Netanyahu has basically stuck out his tongue at Lebanon and Iran saying that if they try to respond in any way to these attacks, Israel will respond with force.

The US is now scrambling to patch up a dam that is diplomatic relations in the region while Netanyahu is effectively striking that same dam with a battering ram.

Oh also, Two more clearly marked members of the Press were killed in Gaza, bringing the total of journalists killed since october to 113. Just a reminder, it is an internationally recognized warcrime to kill a member of the press.

(and not one loving Al Jazeera link in this whole post)

Edit: Update 8/3/24
This is the exact sort of thing that the US has warned Israel not to do, and with the US pledge to come to Israel's aid in the event of a direct assault from Iran, Netanyahu has single-handedly committed American Troops to a ground war in the region.

The US has now deployed 4000 Marines to Israel in advance of Iran's counterattack.

As the kids today might say:
We are so loving cooked.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2024, 12:28:51 AM by Ladios »

I have had a difficult time keeping up with these updates since July, as there is so much happening every day at this point. Also, I have the general sense that no one here really cares all that much so I am kinda just talking into the void but now there's two days in a row of coordinated attacks by Israel in it's neighboring country of Lebanon, where they targeted and blew up electronic devices.
Pagers on this Tuesday, killing 9 and injuring thousands of civilians leading to overwhelmed hospitals
and now radios* on Wednesday, leading to more deaths including those currently attending funerals for the previous day's attacks.

(*Sorry for the misinformation here. It wasn't only radios but phones, laptops, and other electronic devices were also turned into improvised explosives. I should have done more research before I posted.

A clear breach of international law and the Geneva convention:
(particularly the addendum on booby-trapped objects made to look like every-day devices that even Israel had signed, and the clause on preventative measures to limit civilian casualties, which Israel hadn't ever signed anyways so who cares, right?).
I will try my best to summarize the last month and half in a short page.

Week of 8/4-8/10
Israel bombed more schools killing 80 in Al-Tabaeen, 30 in Gaza City,
9 members of UNRWA were found to have been involved in the October 7th Hamas Attack and were fired from the aid organization
The EU calls for Israel to stop destroying infrastructure such as water treatment plants in Gaza (which Israel ignores)
Yemeni rebel group, Houthis takes down 2 US drones
And a rocket attack at US base in Iraq injures 7
Israel launches a major offensive into Khan Younis (a previously designated safe zone)
UN is called to investigate the rape and torture of Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli prisons.
A temporary 3 Day ceasefire was agreed to after the largest string of casualties so far in the war
It lasted 3 minutes
Israel launches more airstrikes into Lebanon
Future President Kamala Harris says ceasefire is necessary after protestors appear at rally on the day that an airstrike at a UN School kills 100 sheltering civilians

Week of 8/11-8/17
Hamas agrees to ceasefire deal laid out by the United States, with the support of Egypt and Qatar. Netanyahu still refuses to agree to it (even after Hamas dropped several of their key demands including the ceasefire being permanent)
Western leaders have asked Iran to hold off on their retaliatory strike in response to the Israeli bombing during the inauguration of Iran's new president. Iran has said they will not retaliate if a ceasefire is reached.
As of today, September 19th, Iran has not yet launched the major offensive it has planned, and is waiting to see how the ceasefire deals play out.
More evacuation orders were announced for the Gaza city of Khan Younis
Ceasefire and hostage deal talks resume in Doha, Qatar
At this point, at least 40,000 Palestinians have been killed by Israel
Israel enters these talks with a new demand, that they keep control of all the territory through Gaza's southern border
Polio, a highly infectious virus spreads in Gaza due to the breakdown of all medical services, and supplies of clean water
Netanyahu continues to prevent his negotiators from agreeing to the ceasefire deal

Week of 8/18-8/24
US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken arrives in Israel and claims that it is Hamas who is holding up the ceasefire deal
Hamas leader counters that they have already agreed to several of the US-endorsed ceasefire deals, but Israel keeps adding new demands and moving the goalpost
Israeli tanks enter the Deir el-Balah region forcing more evacuations
Israel launches more attacks on Lebanese soil
At the Democratic National Convention, parents of Israeli hostage in Gaza give emotional speech asking for an end to ceasefire and emphasizing that we must listen to the voices of those effected by the ongoing conflict.
The DNC apparently doesn't seem to think this includes families of the Palestinians experiencing genocide.
The continued war is proving detrimental to Israel's economy

Week of 8/25-8/31
Hamas rejects new demands added by Israel, but has said it would agree to the previous plan suggested by the United States
Israel and Hezbollah have a major exchange of fire pulling Lebanon further into the current conflict
The UN is forced to halt aid operations as further evacuation orders are announced by Israel
Israel abducts and tortures Palestinian doctors and healthcare workers

Israel launches major ground offensive into the West Bank

Note this is not Gaza where most of the war has been occurring so far, which means I have to update the title to "the war on Palestine" rather than just Gaza.
Well I would, but as I have posted this, as mentioned before, with the two electronic warfare based mass casualty events in Lebanon, this is now officially a war on not just Palestine but Lebanon as well, but we are getting ahead of ourselves here. Back to the week of 8/25:

Large scale missile attacks are conducted against the west bank. Israeli foreign minister says the plan is to conduct a Gaza-style operation in this occupied territory as well.
World Food Programme is forced to suspend activities after being the frequent target of Israeli attacks

That's it for august.
It should be emphasized that with now numerous attacks occurring against civilians and refugee camps daily, I have stopped including them in these updates. On every single day you look up in august, however, you can find a home, school, hospital, or United Nations-run refugee center that has been the target of an Israeli airstrike or ground assault.

I am going to have to post whats been happening in September in a second post below, maybe later today. I need a bit of a break to process all of this again.

I will end, however with this:
On the 2nd of September, in an extremely rare criticism of Netanyahu, President Joe Biden, a staunch Zionist, criticized the Israeli Prime Minister for consistently and intentionally loving up these ceasefire deals

If you can get even Genocide Joe to say, look man enough is enough, how loving off base are you?
« Last Edit: Yesterday at 03:22:38 PM by Ladios »

« Last Edit: September 19, 2024, 07:21:45 PM by Goth77 »