Author Topic: STFU ABOUT ROBLOX.  (Read 2417 times)

You mean like how a few of them think Blockland is 2d?

Its the Internet if you can't take it leave now, as some of you bitch about how bad this is.

Also I think Blocklandv0002 is better then Roblox... really Roblox isn't fun unless you like clasping buildings with the physics. In the end this isn't going to go away with lots of long text and telling us how Bad it is its just not going to happen seeing as it is the INTERNET.

The fact that this is the internet is no excuse to justify such behaviour, the internet does not belong to you. Infact, these Blockland vs Roblox threads could easily be contained if this forum was properly moderated.

When participating or taking action against something, I expect a logical reason behind it. So what exactly is it that you stand to gain behind all of this?

I have not played Roblox, and do not plan to.
I don't really care about it enough to download the game and argue about which game is better.
I have one virtual building blocks game, and I think that's enough, thank you very much. I just happened to get to Blockland first.

This IS the Drama section, you know..

I say if they will be starfishs, let them.  Of course they will flame us on their poorly made forum.  Kids do that.  They all think ROBLOX is better.  We know Blockland is better.

i once hacked roblox. changed all names to BITCH GTFO! made everyones server say go to hell. then got epic ban from the game forever (which is my favorite part)