Author Topic: Genral Omega  (Read 1957 times)

I have nothing against him but is way to annoying how he does his qoutes, he always makes the names diffrent, from who he qouted it.

Your no better than he is, his name is General Omega not Genral omega.

General Omega is a friend who has similarities to Furdle.

1st as Eryehk said, you spelled my name wrong. And 2nd get over it. It was just a dumb joke. It was not like you where ment to click the link that sends you to the original post.

I have nothing against him but is way to annoying how he does his qoutes, he always makes the names diffrent, from who he qouted it.
Learn to spell?

I used to hate Omega a bit, but I no longer see any more reasons to hate him.

He's improved his grammar and spelling, a little bit comprehensible sentences. He isn't as annoying either.

Wow this is a big backfire for him.

General Omega is a friend who has similarities to Furdle.

I find truth in this sentence.

I used to hate Omega a bit, but I no longer see any more reasons to hate him.

He's improved his grammar and spelling, a little bit comprehensible sentences. He isn't as annoying either.
This man speaks the truth.

Wow, wasnt expecting this. Of all the people to say that their is only 1 more person to make this a compleat failiure of a topic.

Yeah General Omega isn't all that bad any more, he used to be a semi-noob but he's improved his spelling and grammar and actually seems to put thought into posts now, I have no problem with him.

Like I said I have nothing againts him, it's just that the way he does the qoute thing is annyoing.

Like I said it is a dumb joke.