Author Topic: Shut up!  (Read 3300 times)

I think this is a point that needed to be posted, from Muffinmix's similar thread:

"If people would stop with their need for a constant responses to dumbshit, this would probably fizzle out, but instead we have Dr. PHD in Interwebwars and Blocktards having at it constantly. This is addressed to all people on both sides.

If Roblox is such a big deal, why don't their moderators come here? Why not?

Because it's handicapped to argue which game is better, its like relating a tomato with an coconut, it doesn't work at all. The more you try and say "Your game sucks", the worse you make the game you are playing.

Quit hopping on the goddamn band-wagon with these posts "Roblox sucks!!1" and "No, blockland isn't fun at all!!1", neither response is a good point, and you only make yourself look like the dumbass you are for posting that. Not even if you make it intelligent, use grammar, or spell correctly, if you post a comment along those lines you have failed at realizing the goddamn baits these trolls use for arguments. Obviously Badspot isn't going to do anything, why would he?

This used to be a fine game, yes it had some drawbacks with some people who used to post crap on the forum, but this is just plain and simple: handicapped.

Like Muffinmix said, if you post crap like one of the two sides in this "childish argument", you are just making yourself a target for hate; and yes, we do hate you for that.

Grow the hell up, and leave those damn snarky comments in your infantile myspace profiles. We don't want your opinion, nor do we expect you to want ours. You can quit quoting yourself and just shut the hell up.

Example of a stupid quote of this and many other posts to come (And no, I have seen both sides post this type of statement):
Quote from: Random Person #1
Well you morons should have not come to OUR FORUMS! It's all your fault!

Well then, go back to your forum and let your moderators do their job. Mr. Personal Crusade, give it a rest, hang up your infantile-insult whip, and go back to wherever you came from, please. Crusades never solved the middle east, you can't fix world hunger, and the UN couldn't fix itself a sandwich.

Like Carzo said, the forum doesn't anymore dumb arguments. If you didn't read this through, you probably are going to post more stupid crap. Congratulations."
« Last Edit: April 29, 2008, 03:48:39 PM by Ronin »

i think the ninja vs pirate discussion needs to come back.
ive got pro pirate flames rdy for some heated talk em ups.

Anything other than another Roblox/Blockland hate fest would be slightly better, slightly.

Pirates would clearly own ninjas, because pirates have many piratical instruments such as a spyglass, a cannon, a musket, a cutlass, a piratey flag, a boat, a piratey hat, a piratey parrot, an eyepatch (of the piratey variation), booty and much more. Ninjas just have silly masks and knives.

Thanks to the screenshots we can now compile a concise list of handicaps within the community (technically you can do this by looking at the Started By column of the drama section, but this has more reasoning behind it):

Gen. Nick

As long as it stays in drama, i don't care about it. I don't usually bother to check this section.
The Drama tends to leak out and contaminate the rest of the forums with its idiocy.
If you bothered to check my topic it started as a simple discussion of the game. Then Vertzer started a flame war in it.

Very well, Sorry for this outlandish accusation!

Pirates do whatever the hell they want. Kill people, nail hookers, shoot things.

Ninjas? They sit there, they be quiet, they kill. Cool, but not as good as the pirates.

Pirates do whatever the hell they want. Kill people, nail hookers, shoot things.

Ninjas? They sit there, they be quiet, they kill. Cool, but not as good as the pirates.
I would just say ninjas because I'm anime-tarded.

pirates got the boats. ninjas can shake their fists in anger from shore as they dodge cannonballs.

Pirates are drunken bastards. In a 1 vs. 1 duel, pirate vs. ninja, the ninja would win. You can't disagree.

Hmm, this really is a tough nut to crack...
Ninjas would be no match for those 300 pound cannons out in the open, but on the other hand, a ninja could sneak up on a pirate and pluck that last remaining eyeball right out of its socket...

Not to mention that pirates can be lured into traps by using booty as bait.

pirates get booty and swag. and go around razing small port towns and pooning all the ladies :D

ninjas just sneak get told what to do, and blah.
you never see that part of the anime do ya? the ninja going back home after a night of sneaking around killing guys.
just in his nice ass house with all the money he makes? with all the hot chicks he has because they love the fame?
because there isnt any!!!!