Author Topic: A AimHigher thingy  (Read 1054 times)

Well today, me and some other people registered themselves into this aim higher thing. It's really cool because you can ask around people who work at collages and universities what the collages over

 - their services if you like - what diplomas you can achieve if you want.

 I thought it was really amazing I didn't want to go at first because I didn't know what it was even about and I'm not predicted good grades at all (1 E, about 4D's and 3 Cs). So anyway I went their just because my friend didn't want to go on her own. So I tagged along with her.

It's about what courses you can take at different collages and that they are all different some offer more, some offer less (but can be what you want), and some just mainly for a specific reason.

Well I'm glad to say my local collage (Kidderminster collage) does what I want to do, and I found this out because I went to this Aim Higher event. I want to study "Games Development & Multimedia". ( I'm Predicted 2 Cs in IT we do different units and we do them in Pass (C), Merit (B) and Distinction (A).

Because I need more experience I'll be in collage for 3 years - 1 year for the qualification needed to even start gaming development, and 2 to just to study gaming development.

The point of this thread is that you should never miss an opportunity that could benefit you in the future. By going to this event I realised the way I want to go about in my life and how I should do it. Growing up does seem awkward but if you plan it out now (in your last year of school) and are certain what you want to do - make sure you how to do it.

Sorry For The Long Post. =)

Well, I can see why you aren't aiming for a major in English.

Game design is a difficult and often unrewarding career. It is also highly competitive.

On one hand you have large publishing companies like EA whom, whilst relatively stable don't encourage innovation or risk taking and typically put a huge (almost unlawful) amount of pressure on employees as deadlines approach. Whilst you may get payed more in a large company, your benefits are likely to be paltry at best when compared to many other career fields.

If you are interested in the field of video game design based on a personal passion and are willing to make sacrifices, then an independent developer would be a better choice. The companies are not as resilient to economic problems and studios appear and disappear sporadically or are consumed by larger companies. In a independent studio you can expect to see innovation and creativity encouraged more, but your pay will likely be lower.

Like all careers relating to art (painting, literature, game design, etc) you should do it because it interests you. If it does not, or you do not wish to accept the challenges associated with it, then there are plenty of other more rewarding careers out there.

If I were in game design, I'd want to be at a place like VALVe, at least a little fun.

also why even bother going to school if you cant tell when to use "An"

If you really want to to Game design, consider studying computer graphics or something of that nature. Because if you end up not liking the video game industry, there are PLENTY of other places that will hire you.