blockland and roblox

Author Topic: blockland and roblox  (Read 2993 times)

they are the same stop spaming about whos beter plz  :cookieMonster:

You're an idiot. I just thought you'd like to know.

As soon as it dies down, Bang, some noob tries to be cool by telling us to stop.

Also, lern2spelkthxbai.

People say that pictures can tell a thousand words. What about videos?

I won't flame you skywalker, let this piece of advert do it for me:


I think we do need to stop. However they are not even close to the same thing. If they were the same thing we would all be playing Roblox because its free.

I think we do need to stop. However they are not even close to the same thing. If they were the same thing we would all be playing Roblox because its free.
No, if they were the same, Badspot would take legal action and sue 'em for taking his idea.

I think we do need to stop. However they are not even close to the same thing. If they were the same thing we would all be playing Roblox because its free.
No, if they were the same, Badspot would take legal action and sue 'em for taking his idea.
Does he own all the needed patents for the game? It really sucks when you can not sue because you could not get the patents. I have had it done to me.

Blockland and Roblox almost sounds like cops and robbers.
Blocs and Roblers!

they are the same stop spaming about whos beter plz  :cookieMonster:

I think we do need to stop. However they are not even close to the same thing. If they were the same thing we would all be playing Roblox because its free.
i know i saying they are good in some ways and we are to

they are the same...
If they were the same why would we care? Because quite simply they are not.

stop spaming
There's no spam. There's just a lot of posts. Learn the difference.

...whos beter...
You are guilty of not reading the topics.


Thank you for expanding the problem by making this topic you dumbstuff.

leave this topic now.

Seriously, LET THEM DIE. If you don't post, nothing will happen.

Newsflash: every time you make a new roblox vs blockland topic you add to the fire.