Author Topic: Dr Bling's One in all Drama Topic  (Read 2398 times)

Lolwut, why did you cum to my humble serber and start spamming "shut the loving hell up."?

Luckily, you were only able to say it 23 times before you were banned.

lern2spam, nub.

He banned me forever for saying "Minigame am fail" when it really was fail. All we had was swords, no jets, plus we couldn't even kill each other. :/

I was testing a clientside spammer on nixills server and came on yours. I wanted to show you, but when I tried to stop it, the stop function had broken. 

Clientside spammer for the loss.

One of my favorites is to join one of those "free admin" servers. If they get too annoying/you are about to get banned, just become admin and /chattest 9999999 it.

For you info, I was testing out a small script for my first clientside code ever. It wasn't meant to harm anyone. Just a test. Now, why don't you get a life and leave the drama section.