Author Topic: V9 Missle Launcher  (Read 1887 times)

I made this with events on v9, I think somebody did this on youtube, maybe trader but here are some pictures. I noticed that you can do negative numbers, if the rocket shot one way, and the number is postive I make it negative it shoots the right way i want it too. Jaex shot the launcher when I took screenshots, god of death was banned later for being a noob and messing me up. When you clikc the rapms it shoots, just click fast across and it will shoot all of them, each shoots 3 rockets so 3x4=12, which fires 12 missles. Everyone in my server thought it was neat to sit in a chair and nuke across, I can shange missles so they are like gernade launchers

Model of launcher

Missle launcher IN action

Missle IN action 2
« Last Edit: August 10, 2008, 04:22:36 PM by Lemurdecatta »

You should have used gravity rockets. also, how do you launch projectiles, I can't figure out how to do it.

You should have used gravity rockets. also, how do you launch projectiles, I can't figure out how to do it.

Onplaytouch, Addprogetile, Rocket

I know how to do that, but then what do i input?

I know how to do that, but then what do i input?

try the middle one is right or left (negative or positive) the last one is up or down, the first one is direction

Hit the Block with the Wrench.
Select "Events".
Make an Event with the Following Parameters:

Set the Offset 0,0,10 (X,Y,Z), it spawns the rocket 10 units above the center of the block.
Projectile: What you want.
Extra Velocity: Makes it faster. Again, X, Y and Z. You don't need to change it, it's fast enough.
Scale: Self-Explainatory, actually. The higher the scale is, the bigger the projectile is.
1.000 is default.

If you click on it without having any tool selected (Simply close the Tool Menue), it will shoot a rocket upwards.
« Last Edit: August 10, 2008, 05:35:04 PM by Watermelon Storm »

wtf, that isnt how i did it, dude your like way off... and why did you give this out, i already did idiot
Hit the Block with the Wrench.
Select "Events".
Make an Event with the Following Parameters:

Set the Offset 0,0,10 (X,Y,Z), it makes the missile go up.
Projectile: What you want.
Extra Velocity: Makes it faster. Again, X, Y and Z.
Scale: Self-Explainatory, actually. The higher the scale is, the bigger the projectile is.
1.000 is default.

That why it sucks.

Watermelon is win. <3

wtf, that isnt how i did it, dude your like way off... and why did you give this out, i already did idiot
Hit the Block with the Wrench.
Select "Events".
Make an Event with the Following Parameters:

Set the Offset 0,0,10 (X,Y,Z), it makes the missile go up.
Projectile: What you want.
Extra Velocity: Makes it faster. Again, X, Y and Z.
Scale: Self-Explainatory, actually. The higher the scale is, the bigger the projectile is.
1.000 is default.

Because you're an idiot that can't type. Your post made NO sense.

That why it sucks.

Watermelon is win. <3

dude, thats not how i did it, the offset is all wrong