Author Topic: Other people see skybox blue  (Read 1731 times)


Does anyone know how people can't see my stars skybox? Because i created a new map called Gliese581 and builded own planets with texture, but people see the god damn skybox BLUE!! WHY?!!! And i see nice stars >_>

Please help

Skybox does not go in base/data/skies.

Skybox does not go in base/data/skies.

I tryed everything!

      materialList = "./stars.dml";

      materialList = ".Add-Ons/Map_Gliese581/stars.dml";

Skyboxes do not transfer. This is a known bug.

Skyboxes do not transfer. This is a known bug.

You mean from server to client correct? As long as the player downloads the map from the forums it should work?

You mean from server to client correct? As long as the player downloads the map from the forums it should work?
Pretty sure that's how it works, yeah

Skyboxes do not transfer. This is a known bug.

So thats the reason why the sky is blue by other i mean like The Planets map?