Author Topic: Nicel's Prints Soundpack  (Read 13584 times)

Have you tried making it OnActive and click it once, instead of making it OnPlayerTouch and standing on the brick? :P
HHmmm..... never thought of that.

Why would any noob wanna keep the ST*U N00b
Because they are noob.

ST*U N00b Sound = stuff
All The Other Sounds = stuff
Pivot sucks man, keep that stuff out of here.

Pivot sucks man, keep that stuff out of here.
Just wanted to say.
Also Club559 your a fail i dont see you posting anything beter then retarted Pivot images whit fail and other idiot stuff.
Im getting sick of all the fail animations images sites and whatever i know.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2008, 02:09:57 PM by Legent »