Author Topic: Wtf is /b/?  (Read 1951 times)

4chan is trash. Unless you enjoy shock links and child research.

Also, I hate you ladios.

there is no child research on 4chan

/b/ is a giant brown town sphincter :3

browsing 4chan is nothing to be proud of lol.
kids new to the net are convinced its so awesome.

/b/ is pointless to browse.

In Soviet Russia, normal people enjoy 4Chan.

from what I've read from Wikipedia, /b/ is just a forum for real internet handicaps or over 60's throwing child research at each other and the admins and mods are just as forgeted up as everyone else who browse their forums utterly pathetic waste of time, most of their gimmicks like rick rolling and tub-girl eventually gets around the whole internet and then becomes a phenomenon, pisses most people off.

Go into a chat room and ask if anyone knows /b/ you'll get no replies,  ask if they've seen/heard rick roll/tub girl you'll probably end up with nearly half the chat room pming you.

Just best to stay away from renowned /b/tards. and possibly 4chan all together.

I tend to stay away from /b/ as I hear it's cancer is contagious. I prefer to stay in /po/, /tv/, and /toy/ Maybe stopping by /x/ now and then for some spooky stuff.