Author Topic: The TRUTH of the making of BlockLand  (Read 2030 times)

Look at everything? It's the first thing an intelligent person would do.


Besides, Torque is awesome, it is used by the most loving epic game with jetpacks: Tribes.

So forget you and you're a dumbass.

Look at everything? It's the first thing an intelligent person would do.


Besides, Torque is awesome, it is used by the most loving epic game with jetpacks: Tribes.

So forget you and you're a dumbass.
Blockland* Tribes is second best.  Or Tribes is, BL has jet feet.

Blockland* Tribes is second best.  Or Tribes is, BL has jet feet.


Yeah wow, this is the oldest news ever. I mean, really, there's just no way to be nice to this amount of stupidity. It's just- unethical to be nice to you.

Yes, thanks for being so nice, you see this is what I'm talking about.

And why I would I be looking at the gui there is no reason to even open it so how was I to know?
:cookieMonster: St00pid nub duz nt no hao open f1 menu lolololol  :iceCream: :cookieMonster: :cookieMonster: :cookie:  Nuff said
Let's make up links that don't work so we'll appear to be clever!

And so I found out what no BlockLand member should ever know BlockLand was made with Torque Game Engine..... snif I wish I didn't know this, because now I'm doomed to walk the earth till I too make a game of this calibre.
I've always known it was made from TGE.
I've also played the alpha version of the game.

Dude I found out it was made in that game engine during the second day of me playing demo lol (and I still have the curse of the demo  :panda: )

hay melon. its me, THORNAR or was i thorn snoopy doo?.Anyway, I changed my name to sgt. dynamo jet cause deviant scared me wildly, then i made a forum person, then i made a different name cuz my brother hacked me, but he found that name out so i am now Commander wilfre.

            P.S. Shut up guys hes just joking around!

Get Used to da internet.

Also, everyone knows its made from TGE

dis aint da internet....THIS IS emo BLOCKLAND!

dis aint da internet....THIS IS emo BLOCKLAND!

And Blockland requires the internet.

Hmm so far this is not the most ppl that have called me stupid over a period of time this short. HA YOU WILL NEED TO BE BETTER IF YOU WANT TO MAKE IT A NEW RECORD :D

As the heavy once said