Author Topic: Space Stuff Novel Thinggy.  (Read 1790 times)

"Muhahaha!" This thought invaded Mr. Fardof's thoughts as he looked at the claim documents for the last of Jupiter's moons. Placing his signature on the line would result in him making a large fortune, as did all those fortunate before him to land and claim the other moons. He took a deep breath and signed his name. The paper changed to a large "Claim Accepted and Documented" Mr. Fardof turned off his paper. standing up, he looked over what was now his. A entire moon, full of minerals people would pay huge amounts of money for back on earth. His fortune was made. This is what he knew, and he wouldn't allow anyone else to say otherwise.

Another man's fortune was also secured. he was the captain of the USSN Greanford. Well, he was now, and with this new poition, he would get a large pile of money. It was safe to say he was happy, as a US Space Navt captain did little, there was very little threats in space, and certinly nothing that could effect the Greanford, the giant, fiften thousand ton ship, the pride of the fleet. This is what he knew, and he wouldn't allow anyone else to say otherwise.

Mr. Fardof was happy. He had just gotten a large pay day, huge infact, for a little chunk of stuff off his rock. He looked at the little, newly formed creater, but he Knoticed something There appeared to be a perfect little square in the moon. feeling smart and alert, he called his cheif of oporations and asked what it was.
"No idea, I'll send some men out to investigate, it's probably nothing" and indeed he did, as he wanted to keep his profitable position, even though he knew it was nothing.

A ham sandwich is delicious. To a Mr. Zolark, it was all he cared about. This was because he was eating a very nice one he had bought out of a vending machine. He was rudely interrupted by someone calling him. slowly putting down his sandwhich, he pressed the flashing light on his arm. Suddenly sound filled his head. He noticed it was a bit grainy, he would need to get his vibrating tooth replaced. He liked the models from Zamco.
 "Zol, get to port B, Now." his foreman told him.
"Why?" he asked, his mouth half full of sandwhich "I'm eating"
"I can hear that," His foreman retorted "The boss saw something, your going to take a peek to make him happy."
"Can't you look at it in a telescope or something?"
"Nope, we can't see it from where we are right now. Used to, that's how he did it, but that rocks moves quick."
"I'll get down there" Zolark grumbled. His ham sandwich could wait for later.

The captain had a great day. Captured three smugglers in one day, and all three surrendered as soon as they saw him. They always do. A five ton ship can't attack one that's three thousands times heavier then it. He had gotten some good press for his boss, and was just feeling great.

Zolark stepped out of the landing craft and headed towards the GPS marked position, just over a small hill. This was a silly assignment, and he knew it. he was extremely unhappy and demoralized. Until he saw the hole. Instead of a oddly shaped natural hole, he was greeted by a tunnel. It was about five feel high and 15 feet across. It was an odd height, five feet. it was a perfect square. The entrance was jagged, clearly it had continued farther untill they removed the chunk. he heard the foreman shouting at him to report, but his cries went unheeded. Zolark was too interested in the tunnel. he took a step into the tuneel. Lights turned on down the tunnel, apparently from the floor, frightened, he let out a little scream and stepped back.
"What was that!" screamed the foreman. Zolark ignored him and stepped back into the tunnel, and started to walk down it. looking down, he realised that the floor was a faint grey, whilst everything else was peach. He came to a cross inthe tunnel, stepping into the tunnel, he looked into the newly found tunnel. His body would never be found.

"What the hell is going on down there!" The foreman screamed.
"No idea sir, he's still alive, and that's a...Wait, the arm screen has stopped responding..." Said the communications guy.
"What the Hell does that mean?"
"Either his heart stopped beating, or his arm is no longer connected to his body,"
"What if it just ran out of power?"
"Impossible," the communications guy groaned, "The screen runs on blood flow,"
The foreman looked at his arm with an odd, disturbed face. "That's it, get all the men out of there, see if you can get some USSN guys here, or something."
"Yes sir" The communications guy said. He suddenly felt his job was going to get very interesting soon.

The Captian was enjoying a drink in his personal escape pod, which was about three times larger then his normal cabin, and was fully equiped with everything he would need during a long journey in the unlikely event of the ship being distroyed. He had just discovered this, and was quite happy. He was slightly unnerved by the Self Delete pill however, but he tried not to let it bug him. A little green light popped up on his arm, a message. He pressed it.
"Sir, the mining ship NewSea is requesting help" His secretary's voice told him. 'Apparently someone was exploring an odd formation when suddenly they lost all contact."
"Thank you, I will do so." The captain said and closed the connection. Why msut people always strive to ruin his perfect job. Oh well.

I'll add more when Im bored. I never finish this stuff, I just end up rewriting it. :D
« Last Edit: September 26, 2008, 01:41:38 AM by Digmaster »

ooooh spooky. me like though


updated a stuff load. Who knows, this is the longest thing I have ever written (excluding school stuff), I might get somewhere with it.

It's quite good, Can't wait for more!