Author Topic: Irk's Challenge Down :(  (Read 1018 times)

Well, If The Challenge is Down Forever, I Wish Irk A Thanks To The Blockland Cumuinity (Spelt wrong) So Post Here If You Completed Challenge....

A server went down, big deal.
And stop putting a capital letter on every word you handicap.

Lol I Can Talk Like This To.

"handicap" :/ I Think I Rather Enjoy The S l o wn e s s Of The Typing :P

"handicap" :/ I Think I Rather Enjoy The S l o wn e s s Of The Typing :P

Well it's annoying to us and this belongs in drama.

Well it's annoying to us and this belongs in drama.
I can't help but replace the x in your name with a u. I just happens every time I look at your name.