Author Topic: Ohh, burn!  (Read 5267 times)

I burned my tounge 14 times before  :panda:

Making waffles... [/flashback]

Thinking to myself -- Crap the batter is dripping out maybe i should flip the cooker over...
Big mistake -- Out loud -- stuffTT! In a public hotel with kids looking at me.

Yes the Fuse of a large smoke bomb combined with the lighter burned my right thumb 2nd degree on one part I though it was nearly 3rd. It was horrible worst pain ever throbbed for 2 days. But then I think of some of the people who are in fires how bad that would hurt I heard they give some of those patients medical marijuana to ease the pain don't know if it is true.

when I was little I was at a Chinese buffet, and I was getting some soup into a little bowl and I poored it all over my self :(

It was freaken got. 

Also when I was in the first grade around Christmas time, we were making little mini rain dear or some crap and i had the googly eyes and parents were there, so my mom had the hot glue and she set it down and I touched it :(  That hurt for a few days D:

You shouldn't be in the club if you ignore basic safety precautions and then laugh about it.

I seem to have a mental disconnect with cutting metal=HOT
I get everything else (Don't use gloves when you use the chop saw, safety goggles, cut away from you, don't touch a glue gun, exc) however, I keep burning myself on metal. I just can't get it into my brain. Its kinda annoying.
For someone who claims to be very smart, you do a lot of stupid things.
I have a tendency to jump into things without fully thinking about them, how to go about it, and what to do when I'm done. It generally means I learn a lot; but I break lots of things and waste a bit of time because I need to reassemble something becouse its easier to move it fully assembled.

No joke, there's two sayings going around robotics (I'm tom)
  • Tom saves the day again! (Mostly whenever I do anything good, sometimes whenever anything good happens at all)
  • Tom did it. (Whenever anything breaks/bad stuff happens)

If you knew me in real life, you'd say I'm a smart guy who's very clumsy. Learn from your mistakes, for me these are plentiful.

I reached into the active toaster oven to try to salvage a broken pizza bite...

i grabbed onto a hot exhaust pipe once. It hurt.

Got hit in the face with a hot iron once. It burned AND knocked me silly.

why did your friend do that, and why didn't you drop them?
Freind is a jack ass, and I was only thinking about the pain not "Hey why don't I drop this it could hurt"

i grabbed onto a hot exhaust pipe once. It hurt.
Why did you bump this?