Author Topic: PORT: BL-Grill By Luquado  (Read 7922 times)

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« Last Edit: November 21, 2008, 11:57:07 AM by Mutantz »

WOOT :cookieMonster:
yay! it's finaly back... thanks for porting
got permission?

Can you port the whole map pack please??? Especially Perfection Isles BETA and Blocktopia. If you get the waterfall in Blocktopia to work it would be awesome!

I always loved this map.

EDIT: I thought it said more.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2008, 07:18:16 PM by Cuda007 »

this map is good!

WOOT! :cookieMonster:
YaY! It's finaly back... Thank's for porting!
Got permission?

Pfft, a'course he got permission! :P
You got permission, right?

i dont think he needs permission if the person stopped playing or died on the grill(you sick man)

Oh! I remember this!

Is Luquado still around?

OH wow now this is OLD. I remember playing this back in the day.

hmmm i've never seen this map before. but it does look fun :D

maybe you could add to the BBQ a melted blocko man? or melting blocko man?

OH wow now this is OLD. I remember playing this back in the day.

lols i built a city inside the grill

its called HOT BBQ CHILLY city

That lighting really goes with the scene! i downloaded